Editorial Policy of UNMSM

Editorial policy for research journals of UNMSM

The Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) disseminates its research products, either through events and publications. For this, The UNMSM promotes the edition and publication of journals and books. Research journals are recognized as official publications, and the contents of this publications are Open Access condition, and must be deposited in the institutional repository, duly named and coded (ISSN, DOI). The specific directive for journals indicates the mandatory characteristics that journals must have such as the descriptors (metadata) that journals and their articles must show, have an editorial team with structure and functions, carry out peer review processes, adheres to Code of Conduct and the Best Practice Guidelines prescribed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [www.publicationethics.org].


Estatuto de la Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos (RR Nº 03013-R-16) (Article 132)

Política editorial de la UNMSM (RR No 00898-R-17)

Directiva para las revistas de investigación de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM).