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Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors


  1. Filename
    The article will be sent in a file in Word format, entitled: 
    Article First surname of the person in charge Second last name of the person in charge
    (Example: article_Vasquez_Tavara).

  2. Maximum extension
    It will depend on the type of article. It is detailed later.

  3. Format

    1. The mandatory format is one column in Spanish, using Microsoft Word (or compatible), in A4 format, with 25 mm margins, double-spaced (except for tables), using regular Times New Roman 12. Number the pages consecutively in the lower right corner of each page. Number the lines starting each page with the number 1.

    2. The main headings of each section:
      • Summary,
      • Abstract,
      • Introduction,
      • Material and methods,
      • Results,
      • Discussion
      • Cited Literature
      They are centered, in capital letters, and in bold.

    3. The titles of the first order are placed in bold, on the left margin, in a separate line, and without final punctuation. The text that follows is located in a separate paragraph.

    4. Second-order titles are placed in italics, on the left margin. They can go in a separate line without final punctuation or at the beginning of the first line of the paragraph, followed by a period.

    5. In first and second-order titles, the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for conjunctions and prepositions. These titles are optional and are used depending on the type of existing information and the need to separate paragraphs within sections.

    6. The paragraphs are justified on both sides, start with an indentation of 1.27 cm, and are separated with a blank line.

    7. Use short and precise sentences in the document's writing, with the verbs actively, and avoid using the first person.

    8. Tables and figures are arranged with Arabic numerals and self-explanatory titles.
  4. Título/Title    In Spanish and English. The title should be informative and concise, not include acronyms, and should not exceed 20 words, including articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. It will be bold, Times New Roman 14, single line spacing, and centered in capital letters.

  5. Authors' data will be written in lower case,   Times New Roman 12 bold, single line spacing, and adjusted to the left.

    Names: All full names will be written, never abbreviated, and the two surnames for each signatory. In order to increase the visibility of the authors' works, it is suggested that they be registered in the International Registry for Authors and Scientists (, in ACADEMIA.EDU (, Google Citations - Google Academics - Google Scholar (, in the EXIT directory (, Research Gate ( and Redalyc (; which will revert to a higher accounting of authorship for document indexing and, consequently, counting of references and citations. What will be mandatory is registration in ORCID (

    Affiliation: it must be written after the point and followed by the authors' data, and it will not be marked in bold. The name of the Organization / Institution / Higher Entity to which each of the authors belongs must be written (the institution's name must be written in its original language). Next, you will write, after point and followed, the name of the city and the country to which the institution belongs. The email will be added below each author's data and affiliation (it is advisable to indicate the institutional email, avoiding generic ones such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) and the ORCID Code.

    Main author: the following data of the corresponding author must be indicated in a footnote (inserted after the name of the main author): full name and surname, without acronyms, affiliation, and official email of the institution, in Times New Roman 12 bold typeface.

  6. Abstract:
    The abstract requires rigorous preparation since it is included in computerized databases and is the first thing the reader reads to assess the content of research work. It is written in a single paragraph, in Spanish and English, in lowercase, Times New Roman 12, single line spacing and justified. The text of the abstract, which must contain between 200 and 250 words, must state the objective of the article, as well as the research procedures/methods/methodology/techniques that allowed obtaining the research result. The general results obtained, as well as the general conclusions, should also be presented. Bibliographic references should not be entered.

  7. Keywords:
    They are written in Spanish and English. Between 4 to 8 keywords must be written, in lowercase, Times New Roman 12, single and justified line spacing, separated by semicolons. In order to promote a standardized description of the articles in our publication, please use, as far as possible, terms taken from the SKOS Thesaurus (UNESCO Thesaurus).

  8. Headings and subheadings
    They will be numbered using Arabic numerals and follow a staggered order of blocks, which will respond to the hierarchical relationship in which the author shows the relationship of the manuscript's contents, with a maximum of three levels. The main heading (1st level) is in uppercase and bold, the other headings in lowercase and bold and lowercase and italics. None will have a complete stop. Before and after them, there will be a blank line.

  9. Estructura
    The Revista de investigación de Sistemas e Informática magazine maintains mandatory structures for the different types of accepted articles, as explained later. It is allowed to quote, optionally, supports, acknowledgments, and acknowledgments to the people or institutions that have sponsored the article

    Types of articles:
    1. Original research articles.
    2. Review article.
    3. Special article.
  10. Names, symbols, and nomenclature
    Authors should use standardized items within their thematic axis.

  11.  Schemes, drawings, graphs, tables, equations, etc.
    They will be numbered consecutively according to the type (table, graph, etc.) and inserted in the ideal place within the body of the article text. If they cannot be inserted in the right place for some reason, it is advisable to refer to the number of the graph, table, etc., within the text (Example: see graph 1, see table 2 ...). Information overlap between figures, tables, etc., and text should be avoided. Tables and figures that come from analysis equipment, control instruments, or similar ones that do not meet the standards of clarity, sharpness, and simplicity should not be incorporated. Figures and tables should not be inserted with unnecessary backgrounds and ornaments. Figures can be in color, ensuring their quality is preserved if printed in grayscale.

    Figure. Only those that are necessary and pertinent will be presented. The captions for figures must correspond appropriately to these. A maximum of 3. They will not exceed 500 kb each. The following specifications regarding the definition of the images must be taken into account: JPG in color or grayscale of the photographs (halftones). JPG files (color or grayscale) must be a minimum of 300 pp. The title will be centered on the figures and must be clear and concise. The source or origin of the provenance of the figure must be placed below, in bold and Times New Roman 12. If the source or origin is the author himself, putting "own elaboration" will be necessary.

    Graphics and diagrams.   They must be editable; that is, the editor must work within them without having to redo them if changes are required. They will not exceed 500 Kb each. The use of graphs is suggested to reflect trends or relativized data. They should be presented in the most straightforward format that allows the correct interpretation of the underlying data, avoiding as far as possible the use of three-dimensional graphics, highlights, highlights, and other elements that do not add a specific value to their interpretation. The title will be centered on the graphics and must be clear and concise. The source or origin of the provenance of the graphic must be placed below, in bold and Times New Roman 12. If the source or origin is the author himself, putting "own elaboration" will be necessary.

    Tables. The title of the table must correspond appropriately to its content. The information they present must justify their existence. Do not repeat information already indicated in the text. The title will be centered on the tables and must be clear and concise. The source or origin of the table's provenance must be placed below, in bold and Times New Roman 12. If the source or origin is the author himself, putting "own elaboration" will be necessary. The font inside the tables will be Times New Roman 12 normal. Redundancy of information between tables, figures, and text should be avoided, and tables that offer simple information should be exposed. In these cases, the synthesis of information in the fewest number of tables is recommended. Furthermore, authors are kindly requested to attach these elements in editable formats (Excel, etc.) as additional files, as far as possible, in order to facilitate the final layout of their articles.

    Mathematical Equations: formulas should be written as far as possible on a single line. They must be numbered consecutively and independently. All equations must be referenced in the text. The equations must be written in the MS Office Word® equation editor and not embedded as images in the text.
    They must appear centered concerning the main text. In addition, consecutive Arabic numerals (written in parentheses near the right margin) should label the equations (1).

    You should refer to the equations as "(1)", not as "Eq. (1) ”or“ equation (1) ”, except at the beginning of a sentence. The meaning and units used in each term of the expressions must be fully defined. The use of the International System of Units (SI) is recommended.

  12. Numbering in text.
    The classifications within the text of the article (not those of the epigraphs), if necessary, will be in Arabic numbers. They should not be preceded by white space, but they are followed by white space: 1. The first item (Times New Roman 12, left number position 0.63 with French indentation, justified, single line spacing) 2. The second item (Times New Roman 12, left number position 0.63 with French indentation, justified, single line spacing)

  13. Footnotes
    They should be restricted to the minimum necessary. If this is the case, they will be numbered consecutively, and their text will be collected at the bottom of the page. Bibliographic references are not accepted as footnotes.

  14. How to cite in the text

    Indirect or referential citation in the normal text.
    When paraphrasing or referring to another author's ideas, the author and the year of their reference work must be placed in parentheses; if possible, the page should be indicated if the text from which the citation was taken is extensive (Author, Year, p. Xxx).
    If the paragraph includes the last name of the author/author, only the date of the reference is written in parentheses (Year). If the author is not cited in the paragraph, then the last name and date (Author, Year) will be written in parentheses. When the reference contains one or two authors, the initial surnames of both and the year (Author and Author, Year) will be written. If the reference contains more than two authors, only the first author's last name will be written, followed by et al. (Author/et al., Year).

    Direct or verbatim citation within normal text (less than 40 words)
    The text of the quote will be opened and closed with Latin quotation marks. If the reference of the cited text had one or two authors, both surnames, the year, and the page number (s) are cited (Author and Author, Year, p. Xxx). When the reference has more than two authors, only the first author's last name is written, followed by et al., The year, and the page (Author et al., Year, p. Xxx).

    Direct or verbatim citation in normal text (more than 40 words)
    If the quotation is longer than 40 words, it must be written in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks and text indentation. At the end of the citation, it will be necessary to include the data of the reference following these indications: if the cited text had one or two authors, both surnames, the year and the page number (s) are cited (Author and Author, Year, p. Xxx). When it has more than two authors, only the first author's last name will be written, followed by et al., The year, and the number of page / s (Author et al., Year, p. Xxx).

Sections Journal


    Maximum length:  18 pages, including bibliographic references.
    At the end of the text, and after the Bibliographic References, a list of authorship contributions must be included only in research works using the CRediT taxonomy methodology, regardless of the number of contributors. However, the journal's editorial committee reserves the right to consider the effects of authorship according to the characteristics of the research, which will be communicated to the authors during the evaluation process.

    It should correspond to the topic of the article. Be concise, understandable, and informative. It should not exceed 20 words. It must be written in Spanish and English. It should not include acronyms or abbreviations. If institution names are used, they must be official and up-to-date.

    Sections structure it. In this case, it must follow the following structure: Introduction-Objectives-Methods-Results-Conclusions.
    It has a maximum limit of 250 words. It offers a good idea of what the job is about. It was written in the past. It must be sent in Spanish and English (Abstract).

    They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. There should be between 4 to 6 keywords.

    Present a brief, clear and appropriate background—Foundation of the scientific problem.

    Identify with clarity and conciseness as possible the objectives of the research set out in the article. Sub-headings are allowed.

    Material and methods
    Define the type of research or study, period, and place. Define the study population or group as well as the inclusion, exclusion, and elimination criteria. Describe the criteria and justification for the selection of the sample if required.
    The variables analyzed must be clearly described. Clearly state the information gathering and processing, and analysis methods that were used. The statistical method must be appropriate according to the type of study. It must comply with the principle of being able to be reproduced by other researchers. Finally, declare the particular ethical aspects of the study.

    Exposure in accordance with the objectives of the work. Appropriate use of statistics (when required). Figures and tables highlight the relevant results without incurring repetitions of information between them. A maximum of 5 is allowed between statistical tables, figures, or graphs.

    Interpretation and critical analysis of the study results about the works published by other researchers in the national and international area. The scope and limitations of the results achieved should be explained. The possible applicability and generalization of the results obtained to the study population, other populations, or other contexts should be highlighted. It should be written in the present verb tense. The interpretation of the results must be well founded, so in general, this section is where the largest number of bibliographic citations are included. In the same way, the possible limitations of the study will be discussed.

    Recommendations (optional)
    Based on the results obtained, recommendations will be made for professional theory and practice and suggestions for future research. They will be cited based on their direct relationship with the research results, especially if limitations prevented delving into specific aspects of the research presented.

    They must be derived exclusively from the results and are a synthesis thereof; they must be formulated clearly and briefly. They must have an adequate degree of generalization. They respond to the objectives of the study and are in correspondence with the results and the discussion. Results should not be repeated.

    This section must explicitly specify whether or not the work is the product of a project financially supported by a funding agency, body, or institution, public or private, detailing as far as possible the name and number of the project assigned to it. If the authors wish to thank an entity or persons, it must be sober, no more than 60 words.

    Authors' conflicts of interest
    All authors are obliged to declare any potential conflict of interest explicitly, be it financial, professional, or personal, that may inappropriately influence the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.

    Authors' contribution
    For articles with several authors, a brief paragraph should be provided that specifies the contributions of each one of them in the conceptualization, design, and development of the research and the writing and final revision of the manuscript. In any case, all signers must have made a substantial contribution to both the research and the manuscript, and both courtesy authorship, that is, listing signers who have not made such contributions, such as ghost authorship, should be avoided. , exclude researchers with substantial contributions.
    It is assumed that the corresponding author (correspondent), in addition to making a substantial contribution, guarantees, and guarantees that the authorship declarations are true.

    Cited literature
    They must be up to 35 and well delimited (with superscript, in parentheses, and after the punctuation mark). It must contain 50% of the works published in the last five years. Web addresses should be added for references where it has been possible to represent the relevant national and international literature on the subject.

    A review article is considered a retrospective analysis of studies compiled in the literature on an interesting topic for the general or specialized public.

    Maximum length:  20 pages, including bibliographic references. It will not exceed 3 authors.

    It should correspond directly to the subject of the article. Be concise, understandable, and informative. It should not exceed 20 words in Spanish and English. It should not include acronyms or abbreviations.

    Structured by sections, in this case, it must meet the following structure: Introduction-Objective (s) - Methods-Conclusions.

    It offers a good idea of what the job is about. It has a maximum limit of 250 words in Spanish and English.

    They must be concrete and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. At least 3 keywords or phrases.

    Present brief, clear and appropriate antecedents with its bibliographic foundation. It must be a topic of importance and relevance to science. Justify the scientific problem that originates the review. Clearly describe the objectives of the work.

    Criterion and justification for the selection of the consulted sources. Search engines used. The period has been taken for review.

    Exposure in accordance with the objectives of the work. Figures and tables that highlight the relevant aspects without incurring the repetition of information. Interpretation of the results indicated in the consulted literature. Contrast the differences and coincidences of the studies analyzed. Critique the study results in light of the works published by other researchers. Describe the possible applicability and generalizability of the results. Include new aspects to consider (if necessary). Point out or highlight the limitations or contributions of the review.

    They respond to the objectives of the study. Present clear, concrete, and pertinent conclusions.

    They must be up to 50 and well delimited (with superscript, in parentheses, and after the punctuation mark). It must contain 70% of works published in the last five years.
    The relevant national and international literature on the subject is represented.

    Other Aspects
    The presentation of your publication proposal must have an adequate quality in terms of writing and spelling and comply with the ethical principles of the research.
    Items that do not meet these conditions will be rejected immediately.

    Maximum length:  8 pages, including bibliographic references.
    This category of the article corresponds to a document that, due to the importance of its contribution, is included as such by the editorial committee. They are documents generally on request. Bibliographic references must be up to 35 and well delimited (with superscript, in parentheses, and after the punctuation mark). It must contain 50% of the works published in the last five years.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text has single spacing; the font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text where they belong and not at the end.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Rules for authors , which can be found in About the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.