
  • Silverio Bustos Díaz
  • Augusto Cortez Vásquez
  • Ulises Norberto Román Concha
  • Melva Valverde Ayala


The Institute of Investigation of the Faculty of Engineering of Systems and Computer science of the Greater National University of San Marcos IIFISI, loyal to its vocation to serve as forum of debate, reflection and diffusion of subjects of investigation of multidisciplinary character and in addition giving fulfillment to the Article N.º 69 to the Regulation of Activities of Investigation, initiates the publication of the first number of the Magazine of Investigation of Systems and Computer science RISI. This way, with great approval, the Institute of Investigation will put to disposition of the scientific academic community, each semester, the edition of its Magazine that has like main targets promoting the development of the investigation, the publication of the results of investigation projects and the diffusion of excellent subjects, within the strategic frame of development and diffusion of scientific researches emanated by the Superior Council of Investigations of the Greater National University of San Marcos CSI-UNMSM. Really, we looked for to promote and to strengthen the scientific and technological knowledge of character specialized and general in the diverse public and deprived institutions, which will allow to respond them with greater creativity, innovation and success before the challenging and vertiginous present surroundings. Dear readers, as they will be able to appreciate, we followed ahead with our intention to serve like a communicational bridge to coadyugar in the efforts update of Scientific-Technological, and looked for to stimulate in the successive thing that the abundant and important published subjects are every time but for the development of our society. Next we as much presented a series of articles of the area of Systems and Computer science like of compatible areas, that we create are of great interest for the academic and enterprise community. THE EDITORIAL COMMITTEE


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How to Cite

“EDITORIAL”, Rev.Investig.sist.inform., vol. 1, no. 1, p. 7, Dec. 2004, Accessed: Jul. 17, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/sistem/article/view/3105