Management models and their impact on developing the export capacity of domestic SMEs business software


  • Jose Antonio Perez Quintanilla


Modelos de gestión, Pymes, CMMI, Moprosoft, NTP ISO/IEC 12207.


In the current context of high competition a key aspect that is necessary is to ensure that software products are well targeted, properly prepared, within the time estimated, desired outcomes and the Costs and quality as planned. This need is important to follow, because despite the great advances in the technological aspects of software development, the reality still indicates that the projects planned to meet their targets cost and quality time, if not done effectively manage technology and software development process. The characteristics referred to and the impact they have on the progress of software development companies, they need more and more demanding, such enterprises, guided by models using pro- cesses that implement best practices. For this purpose there are various initiatives, through the participation of public and private, hand in hand with the implementation of models such as CMMI, ISO 9001, Moprosoft, NTP ISO / IEC 12207 and others, seeking to improve capabilities domestic firms and software developers and enable their integration with the greatest potential to highly competitive environment that characterizes this sector and especially if you want to compete in the international market. The current situation determined by the need to implement best practices in software development companies and in particular of Pymes, together with the availability of qualified and comparative ad- vantages of lower cost in the region as well as increased exports in the software industry, although not sustained the desired level, identify possible potential in this sector viable if managed compre- hensively all these factors.


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How to Cite

“Management models and their impact on developing the export capacity of domestic SMEs business software”, Rev.Investig.sist.inform., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 45–52, Dec. 2011, Accessed: Jul. 17, 2024. [Online]. Available: