Moral suitability as a sine qua non requirement for the authorization of a company in the financial system: An objective look at the subjective criteria of the regulator




Ethics, government corporate, regulation financial


This article raises troubling questions about the regulatory “moral suitability” requirements for an specific type of business: financial institutions. It is based on an analysis of the regulations relating to the financial and insurance systems which, among others, incorporate evaluation criteria such as the technical and moral suitability applied to the representative of a financial company. The concept of ‘moral suitability’ is analyzed from a philosophical point of view, and in the same way, the relevant legislation is evaluated in the review of comparative law. Finally, we share a brief approach of the principles of public morality and, finally, an analysis of the sentences that address the issues of moral and ethical relevance in Peru.

Author Biography

  • Gloria María Acosta Alvarez de Hoyle, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Directora Académica del programa de Derecho de posgrado de UNIFÉ y miembro del consejo directivo EPG UNIFE. Es abogada especializada en consumidor financiero. Cuenta con dos másters, uno en Gerencia de Administración y otro en Gestión Comercial y Dirección de Marketing. Es MBA, actualmente se encuentra doctorando en Derecho en la UNMSM. Especialista en género por ONU mujeres y auditora en el mismo tema por la OIT. Ex integrante de la mesa de trabajo para la Educación Financiera de Pymes con el Banco Mundial para el programa Perú 2021 y ex miembro del consejo consultivo Smart Campaign, iniciativa del BID FOMIN. Actual directora de SAWAY PERÚ, consultora y auditora de calidad y sostenibilidad en finanzas inclusivas y equidad de género.







How to Cite

Moral suitability as a sine qua non requirement for the authorization of a company in the financial system: An objective look at the subjective criteria of the regulator. (2022). Lucerna Iuris Et Investigatio, 1(2), 5-18.