The intimate visit in Peru as a penitentiary benefit and its social and penitentiary repercussions




Prisons, Intimate or conjugal visit, Right to sexual freedom, Prison benefit, Resocialization


The present study is based on the analysis of the social and penitentiary problems that arise from the intimate visit according to Peruvian legislation, which in the opinion of the researcher have generated repercussions based on national regulations at the constitutional, legal and regulatory level of the fundamental rights of persons deprived of liberty. Regarding the methodological aspect, the research carried out responds to a quantitative approach; non-experimental design, cross-sectional, where the population was made up of 600 inmates, between prosecuted and sentenced, of the prisons of Peru that represent the universe of the active prison population for the present study. In the same way, the technique of observation, survey and interview was used; and the analysis of statistical records. The results allow us to affirm that the problems have, for the most part, a visible, palpable and generalized impact for the inmates in accordance with their related constitutional rights. It is emphasized that this study has a significant relevance, as long as it is part of the well-being and reproductive health of inmates, whose exercise has been recognized in international doctrine and jurisprudence, and because it is part of the development of every person. human.

Author Biography

  • Anthony Julio Romero Casilla, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Abogado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Estudios de Maestría con mención en Ciencias Penales por la UNMSM. Estudios en Derecho Parlamentario en el Programa Internacional de Posgrado con la colaboración de la Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha. Investigador adherente en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la UNMSM. Colaborador permanente en la Revista Gaceta Penal & Procesal Penal. Director General de AMACHAQ Escuela Jurídica.







How to Cite

The intimate visit in Peru as a penitentiary benefit and its social and penitentiary repercussions. (2022). Lucerna Iuris Et Investigatio, 1(3), 183-199.