Scope of Law No. 31419 Law that establishes provisions to guarantee suitability in the access and exercise of the Civil Service and its implications in Law No. 30057 Civil Service Law


  • Wilmer Miguel Huangal Espinal Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



Law, Suitability, Public function, Civil Service


This article addresses the scope, requirements and compliance with Law 31419, which establishes provisions to guarantee the suitability for access to and exercise of the public function of freely appointed and removed officials and managers, and its implications in Law 30057, In this way, it is expected that the people who occupy or aspire to occupy managerial positions in the institutions of the Peruvian State are qualified people, with experience in public management and aligned with the modernization strategy of the Peruvian State, and with knowledge of the matter, since the decisions they make must be as accurate as possible based on their training and experience, in order to form an effective, contemporary, transparent and efficient government at the service of the people.

Author Biography

  • Wilmer Miguel Huangal Espinal, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Abogado y Maestro en Gestión de Pública, desempeñándose en diversos cargos de la administración pública, miembro activo del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lima, especialista en DERECHO ADMINISTRATIVO el más alto nivel de especialización en el Perú por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, candidato a Doctor en Derecho y Ciencia Política por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, actualmente se desempeña como Jefe de la Oficina de Recursos Humanos del Instituto nacional de Defensa Civil-INDECI.







How to Cite

Scope of Law No. 31419 Law that establishes provisions to guarantee suitability in the access and exercise of the Civil Service and its implications in Law No. 30057 Civil Service Law. (2022). Lucerna Iuris Et Investigatio, 1(3), 43-60.