Calibration the Numerical Model Semi Implicit Three Dimensional, SI3D, of Transport and Flow Hydrodynamic, for study of Lake Titicaca


  • César Aguirre Céspedes Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Jaime Vento Flores Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


Numerical model, calibration, temperature profiles, isotherms


The three-dimensional numerical model Semi Implicit, SI3D, was originally developed in the United States Geological Survey, in the University of California, Davis, USA, expanded and adapted in the University of Granada Spain, to run on parallel architectures. The model was applied to lake Tahoe (California), northern hemisphere, with higher latitudes 30°, where the thermal gradient in the water column was higher at 10°C, with acceptable results (Rueda et al. 2003). The lake Titicaca, it is an the andean tropical lake (3810 msnm), in the southern hemisphere (16°S), where the thermal gradient was less of 5°C, and he presented a weak stratification but lasting most of the year. The object of the work was calibrate the model SI3D, and adapt the configuration to the conditions of lake Titicaca. Model calibration was based on systematically adjust physical parameters of observed data with greater uncertainty, until the water temperature profiles, simulated and measured coincide acceptably. This data was compared using statistical methods trusted, by calculating minor errors to 18%. The model does not simulate well the first 50m deep, because the heat transfer processes were not well modeled. While the processes observed between 50 and 80m depth were reproduced acceptably.






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How to Cite

Calibration the Numerical Model Semi Implicit Three Dimensional, SI3D, of Transport and Flow Hydrodynamic, for study of Lake Titicaca. (2016). Theorēma (Lima, Segunda época, En línea), 3, 45-55.