Design and construction of a tubular biodigester that works with alpaca manure at a height of 4200 MSL


  • Oswaldo José Rojas Lazo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Daniel Humberto Mavila Hinojoza Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Doris Gladys Rojas Carmona Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


Tubular digester in the highlands of Peru, Digester Andes of Peru, Livestock waste treatment, Biogas in the highlands.


The project was carried out in the highlands of Masma District, Jauja Province, Junin Region. On the 23rd of July of 2015 the digester was installed and the reactor of PVC (polyvinylchloride) (6m3) was loaded and it was protected with a greenhouse semiburied fully covered. At the base, a mattress of ichu (Stipa ichu) and tecnoport (poliestireno expandido) was placed.The upper walls were made of stone and mud, the roof is a plastic greenhouse. Above it, there is a polyethylene geomembrane and covered with corrugated iron. Adittionally, an initial culture bacteria of cattle was used. A period of 70 days hydraulic retention was estimated. On the 5th of October, the roof collapse by a gale. For that reason, a solar water heater was installed to raise its temperature. On the 21st of December the greenhouse was visited and was not tightly covered and in the internal pipe gave off a methane’s smell. On the date of the article is written, the repairs need to be done.






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How to Cite

Design and construction of a tubular biodigester that works with alpaca manure at a height of 4200 MSL. (2016). Theorēma (Lima, Segunda época, En línea), 4, 051-064.