System case based reasogning applied to system software product lines


  • Augusto Cortez Vásquez
  • Carlos Navarro Depaz
  • Jaime Rubén Pariona Quispe


knowledge engineering, intelligent systems, system of case-based reasoning, reuse of software


Building intelligent systems, somehow simulate the way humans solve problems. Systems based reasoning (SRBC), part of a problem already solved (case) housed in a case library. These tasks are usually performed in everyday life a teacher, public servant, etc.. The problem is to retrieve a stored case similar to the problem they are trying to solve, and it presents a methodology. Software reuse is one of the most effective approaches SRBC, and it is this article. It’s about learning from examples, cases or known data so as to take decision on new cases . From the data mining approach in classification tasks, we can assign a class to a new case, noting similar classes. Similarly, grouping tasks, assign a new example to the group where individuals are more similar. In the case of regression, the predicted value for a new example can not be far from the values obtained for similar examples. Software product lines generally arise from existing applications. An organization has a library of applications (cases) and when it requires a new application, the former is used as the basis for the new application. It is proposed razonamientobasados Systems utiliacion cases for software development lines.


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How to Cite

“System case based reasogning applied to system software product lines”, Rev.Investig.sist.inform., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 43–48, Dec. 2010, Accessed: Jul. 17, 2024. [Online]. Available: