Evaluation of wildlife in the Yanayacu Bombonaje gorge, river Amazonas, Peru


  • Carlos Ique Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Alfredo Delgado Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


Yanayacu Bombonaje, population evaluation, wild fauna, primates, Callitrichidae, Cebidae artiodactyls, edentates, and rodents.


The present study presents/displays the evaluation of the wild fauna in the area denominated Quebarada Yanayacu de Bombonaje, Amazon river, with 27 km, carried out in 1999, in two differentiated periods affluent one, first in the month of May and second in the months of July – August, that correspond to the times of maximum increasing and decreasing seasonal annual of the amazonian rivers. The activities of population evaluation of wild fauna took place in area of 22, 6 km², the superior vertices were: X = 710271, and Y = 9584320; the inferior vertices were: X = 712300, and Y = 9584320. For the evaluation linear censuses were made in five communities of the study area, in addition was compiled information of the human activities by means of accidental interviews. In the study area seven species of primates were observed pertaining to the Families Callitrichidae and Cebidae, where the highest densities correspond to Saimiri boliviensis, Cebuella pygmaea, Saguinus mystax, and S. fuscicollis, with 148,0; 57,0; 34.5 and 38,0 individuals by km², respectively, probably this is because they are species of small size, in addition, other ten species of mammals; being Agouti paca the species of greater density with 31,6 indiv/km² and biomass with 379,2 kg / km² and Tamandua tetradactyla with smaller density and biomass registered with 0, 8 indiv / km² with and of 4, 8 kg / km². When buying the results of this evaluation of terrestrial wild fauna in the forests bordering to this gorge, with the authors mentioned in this study, would indicate to us that these are in state of relative abundance.






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How to Cite

Evaluation of wildlife in the Yanayacu Bombonaje gorge, river Amazonas, Peru. (2016). Theorēma (Lima, Segunda época, En línea), 4, 0141-0149. https://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/Theo/article/view/12597