
  • Fernando Muñoz Cabrejo Muñoz Cabrejo Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


Socrates, Delfos, wisdom, traditional, sickly.


Socrates (469-399 BC), he’ll be prosecuted and sentenced in 399 BC., for religious profanity, reason why his defense would become an opportunity to vent many of the problems that lived among the Athenians; and among other things claim that his wisdom -recognized by the oracle of Delfos- consisted in admiting, “I know that I know nothing,” but this acceptance is contrary -in regard to the humans matters to Delphic advice therefore opposed to the “traditional wisdom”; so there is not enough reason to consider Socrates —like he is traditionally proclaimed— a sage, in both his life and his attitude to knowledge. He instead starts a “perverse and sickly” delectation by logic and dialectics that Plato, his outstanding disciple, developed and lasts until our days. However, Socrates was the buffoon who was taken seriously not because he knew any truth, either from this world or the beyond, but because conceived and practiced philosophy not as an academic activity but as a human; and he was courageous facing choices and living with the consequences.

Author Biography

  • Fernando Muñoz Cabrejo Muñoz Cabrejo, Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
    Docente de la Escuela Académico Profesional de Filosofía de la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de San Marcos; y, de la Facultad de Teología y Pontificia y Civil de Lima. Es miembro de la Sociedad Peruana de Filosofía. Director de la revista Verba Hominis, de la Escuela Académico-Profesional de Filosofía de la Universidad Pontificia y Civil de Lima; y, Asesor en el área de Filosofía de la Enciclopedia Católica (ACI Prensa). Autor de diversos artí- culos sobre filosofía y temas afines que cultiva como aficionado al saber. Ha publicado múltiples antologías de los cursos que tiene a su cargo como Introducción a la Filosofía, Historia de la Cultura, Historia de la Filosofía Antigua, Helenística, Moderna y la del siglo xix.






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