Irrigated agriculture and traditions in the Colca Valley


  • Román Robles Mendoza Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



Agriculture, irrigation, terrace cultivation, ritual, peasantry


Since prehispanic times, the economy of the Andean societies has been based on agriculture and livestock. The rural world of today remains the heir of this ancient strategy of life, where the production system has changed little in over five centuries. In this paper we make a general review of irrigated farming and grazing, like strategies for the survival of the peasantry, in a significant region of the country as the Colca Valley in Arequipa. Using information gathered in field work, official data from public sector agencies and the existing literature, we present the basic characteristics of irrigated agriculture in the valley towns, emphasizing the issue of scarcity of water resources, essential for agriculture today and permanent maintenance of water infrastructure. It complements the study with the description of ancient traditions, where the sacredness of the nature of your environment is part of the ideological universe of the peasantry, and recent attempts to modernize the irrigation system to support the development of agricultural production.

Author Biography

  • Román Robles Mendoza, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Antropólogo, graduado de Bachiller y titulado de Licenciado en Antropología en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; obtuvo su grado de Doctor en Antropología en la misma Universidad en 1995. Ha ejercido diversos cargos administrativos en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y en la UNMSM y es actualmente Director Académico de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Es autor de libros: Chiquián, tradición y modernidad (1996), La banda de músicos: las bellas artes musicales al sur de Ancash (2000), Legislación peruana sobre comunidades campesinas (2002).







How to Cite

Irrigated agriculture and traditions in the Colca Valley. (2008). Revista De antropología, 6, 135-173.