César Vallejo: A vitalist and organic aesthetics in the modern foundation of Peruvian poetry





César Vallejo, poetic writing, essayistic writings, vitalist and organic aesthetics, Peruvian poetry and modernity


This article proposes an approximation to the poetic and essayistic writings of César Vallejo in order to recognize an intense correspondence between them, starting from the fact that the literary project of the Peruvian avant - garde was constituted in one of the proposals that concentrated the majors and more accomplished efforts of re-conceptualization of poetry. This correspondence will be analyzed from the attribution axis of a vitalist and organic aesthetic, which will be exposed as the foundation of this reconceptualization, within the framework of the modern foundation of Peruvian poetry.


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How to Cite

César Vallejo: A vitalist and organic aesthetics in the modern foundation of Peruvian poetry. (2016). Tesis (Lima), 9(9), 35-50. https://doi.org/10.15381/tesis.v9i9.23499