Peer review

Articles published by the Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú (RIVEP) are subject to an evaluation process:

Evaluation process begins with the reception of works. The works sent to RIVEP are evaluated in the first instance by the Editorial Team who will review the guidelines compliance for the presentation of the works, and will scan with software to detect plagiarism too (Ithenticate/Turnitin). The maximum percentage of textual similarities is 10% including recycled texts (self-plagiarism). Papers that do not meet some of the requirements of the Author Guidelines will not be accepted.

Peer review: Admitted papers will be subject to an evaluation process by anonymous reviewers (peer review). The reviewers will be selected for their expertise and knowledge on the subject to which the work to be evaluated refers. The reviewer is requested to evaluate the work according to international standards and quality criteria for publication. The reviewers will have the following characteristics: knowledge of the subject, no competition problems, recognition as a researcher and academic, responsibility and discretion in the evaluation. The reviewers receive the standards and recommendations on ethics and good behavior that the Editorial Committee expects. Selected reviewers do not receive remuneration. The authors of the articles may suggest reviewers when they send the cover letter, the Editorial Team reserves the selection of the reviewers. The type of review is simple, ie the reviewer remains anonymous.

  • Evaluation :
    Referees or reviewers issue suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the article. The referees' evaluation qualifies the work as:
    • Work for publication without changes
    • Work for publication with minor changes
    • Work for publication with major changes
    • Work rejected
    • I work with a suggestion for another magazine.
  • Acceptance and work in the press. The work has the condition of ACCEPTED when the review process has passed and the author has made all the corrections and modifications indicated. Accepted work is sent to style correction and layout. The diagrammed version will be sent to the author for review and return with a letter of conformity and permission for publication. When the Director of the magazine has all the documentation that will allow him to publish the work, then the work will be considered PRESS ARTICLE. RIVEP only provides proof of PRESS ARTICLE.

Evaluation time approximately is 20 weeks.