Differentiated postnatal growth of the neurocranium and splanchnocranium in domestic equines


  • Pere M. Parés-Casanova Dept. de Ciència Animal, Universitat de Lleida, Cataluña
  • Arcesio Salamanca-Carreño Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Arauca
  • René Crosby-Granados Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Arauca
  • Nuno Carolino Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária (INIAV), Vale de Santarém
  • José V. Leite Associaçao de Criadores de Equinos de Raça Garrana (ACERG), Vieira do Minho
  • Ruy Dantas Associaçao de Criadores de Equinos de Raça Garrana (ACERG), Vieira do Minho
  • Susana Lopes Associaçao de Criadores de Equinos de Raça Garrana (ACERG), Vieira do Minho




dolichocephaly, heterochrony, dolichoprosopy, hypermorphosis


Geometric morphometry of 42 equine skulls from different domestic breeds was used. A digital photograph of the dorsal plane of each skull was obtained, on which were placed seven craniometric landmarks, involving both the neuro and the splanchnocranium. It is verified that the ontogenic process of domestic equids conforms to the CREA rule (Cranial Evolutionary Allometric), by which there is a common allometric pattern among taxa of mammals, by which the smaller species would have shorter faces and skulls wider than larger species. A dolichoprosopy correlated with dolichocephaly is accepted, or in other words, a facial hypermorphosis (since the facial width also has a behavior similar to that of the length of the face) parallel to the increase in the size of the head for domestic equids.


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How to Cite

Parés-Casanova, P. M., Salamanca-Carreño, A., Crosby-Granados, R., Carolino, N., Leite, J. V., Dantas, R., & Lopes, S. (2018). Differentiated postnatal growth of the neurocranium and splanchnocranium in domestic equines. Revista De Investigaciones Veterinarias Del Perú, 29(3), 723-728. https://doi.org/10.15381/rivep.v29i3.14835