Textile characteristics of the Huacaya alpaca fibre, according to agroecological zones, sex and age in the Puno Region (Peru)


  • Rosa Larios-Francia Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1471-9185
  • Oscar Cárdenas Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, Estación Experimental Agraria Illpa, CIP Quimsachata, Puno, Peru https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2138-9863
  • Francisco H. Rodriguez-Huanca Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Puno, Peru https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3967-0410
  • Jhunior Ccopa Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Puno, Peru https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1581-0394
  • Andrés Condori Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de los Camélidos Sudamericanos, Puno, Peru
  • Wilfredo Hernández Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru
  • Luis Chaves-Bellido Incalpaca, Arequipa, Peru
  • Bertha Díaz Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8409-3210
  • Rafael Chavez Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9450-0158
  • Joan Sanchez Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru
  • Carlos Galvez Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru




alpaca, agroecological zone, textile characteristics, fibre, sex, age


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the agroecological zone on the textile characteristics of the alpaca fibre (Vicugna pacos) from herds of productive units of the dry Puna and wet Puna in the Puno region, according to sex and age. The samples were obtained from 5530 Huacaya alpacas. Fibre diameter (FD), Standard Deviation of Fibre Diameter (SDFD), Coefficient of Variation of Fibre Diameter (CVDF), Spin Fineness (SF), Curvature Index (ICur) and Standard Deviation of Curvature Index (SDICur) were recorded using the OFDA 2000 equipment. The effects of the agroecological zone in relation to sex and age (Deciduous teeth [DL], 2 teeth [2D], 4 teeth [4D] and all teeth [BLL]) were estimated using a randomized design with factorial arrangement and Duncan's multiple range test. The FF values are in the range of 13.3 to 34.5 μm with an average value of 20.32 μm. The alpacas from the wet Puna presented lower FD (13.3-34.5 μm) compared to those from the dry Puna (13.6-37.9 μm). Age and sex affect the FD, as BLL alpacas registered a higher FF compared to the DL alpacas (p<0.05). Likewise, a lower FD was observed in male alpacas compared to females (p<0.05). The correlation between agroecological zones, sex and age was demonstrated by obtaining a smaller diameter in male DL alpacas from wet Puna. In addition, a significant correlation was identified between the fibre quality evaluated from its textile characteristics with the agroecological zone.


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Author Biographies

  • Rosa Larios-Francia, Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru

    PhD candidate in Strategic Management with a specialisation in Business Management and Sustainability from the Consortium of Universities, Master in Industrial Engineering from the Ricardo Palma University and Industrial Engineer from the University of Lima. With a specialisation in innovation from the International High Specialisation Programme in Innovation Management at ESAN and La Salle Ramon Llull University in Spain.
    Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Lima in the areas of innovation, MSME management, cluster, biodiversity, sustainability, circular economy, humanitarian logistics, technology in the development of new materials and processes in the textile industry, fashion and handicrafts. She has been Director of the Textile Innovation Centre at the University of Lima. Author of scientific articles and books on innovation, sustainability and small and medium-sized enterprises.
    With more than twenty years of experience in executive positions in the textile manufacturing sector, specialist in the areas of innovation, design, product development, marketing and operations. International lecturer on business management, innovation management, technology in the textile industry, sustainability in handicrafts and management of small and medium enterprises.
    Currently president of the Technical Committee for Standardization - INACAL for Research, Technological Development and Innovation Management.  Secretary of the SC-CTN Apparel.   Member of the NTCs on MSMEs Management, Textiles and Clothing, and Quality Management and Assurance.  Expert in the working group on Spanish translations of STTF ISO TC 279. Member of the Latin American Association of Technology and Innovation Management - ALTEC. Member of the Peruvian Association of Textile Technicians - APTT. Member of the Sustainable Fashion Cluster.

  • Oscar Cárdenas, Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, Estación Experimental Agraria Illpa, CIP Quimsachata, Puno, Peru

    Veterinarian and zootechnician from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the National University of the Altiplano.  Researcher at the National Institute of Agrarian Research - INIA of Puno.

  • Francisco H. Rodriguez-Huanca, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Puno, Peru

    Graduated from the Professional Career of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics at the National University of the Altiplano Puno - Peru with a Masters in Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Chile, prepared to address various problems in the area of animal and aquaculture production systems, animal production, livestock processes, research methods, laboratory techniques, genetic improvement and also in wild species, Diplomas in applied statistics, specialization in Scientific Research in Health Sciences, Co-investigator in projects funded by CONCYTEC. Adjunct researcher at the Laboratory of Genetics and Aquaculture Genomics (FAVET - University of Chile). Research Professor at the Professional School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano and Professor at the Postgraduate School - UNA.

  • Jhunior Ccopa, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Puno, Peru

    Veterinarian and Zootechnician (MVZ) at the National University of the Altiplano. Completed studies of Specialty in Biotechnology of Animal Reproduction. At the National University of the Altiplano, work in in vivo and in vitro embryo production of South American camelids, validation of embryo transfer technology at the level of Altiplano communities.

  • Andrés Condori, Centro de Innovación Tecnológica de los Camélidos Sudamericanos, Puno, Peru

    Director of CITE Camélidos Sudamericanos Puno since 2017, with executive positions in the Provincial Municipality of Azángaro and the Regional Government of Puno. Doctor, Veterinarian and Zootechnician with a Master's degree in Andean Livestock from the National University of the Altiplano. Author of manuals and guides for good alpaca husbandry practices and alpaca breeding, milk management.

  • Luis Chaves-Bellido, Incalpaca, Arequipa, Peru

    Industrial Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Peru, with a Master's Degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, his experience is based on the textile sector, in which for more than 35 years, of which 30 have been oriented to the Alpaca and Wool business, He has been General Manager of Inca Tops for more than 20 years and General Manager of Incalpaca for more than 11 years, he is currently a director of both companies, belonging to the Inca Group.
    He has been President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Arequipa during 2008 and 2009, Counselor of the Arequipa-Puno Zonal of SENATI since 2006 and its President from 2019 to 2021 and President of the Peruvian North American Cultural Center since 2017.
    He is currently Director of International companies in Australia, South Africa and Chile linked to the textile business.

  • Bertha Díaz, Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru

    Doctor in Accounting and Business Sciences from the National University of San Marcos, Master in Administration from the Universidad del Pacífico and Chemical Engineer from the National University of Engineering, Peru. With an international specialization in Innovation Management from the ESAN University of Peru, Ramón LLull University of Spain. Specialization in Design Thinking and Digital Transformation from MIT Executive Education, USA. Specialization in Production Management and 5S by HIDA, Japan. Member of the Permanent Committee for Standardization of INACAL (National Institute of Quality of Peru). Member of the Evaluation Council of the National Quality Award and Improvement Project Contest. Director of the Technical Committee of the National 5S Award, of AOTS Kenshu Kiokay of Peru. Principal professor of the Industrial Engineering Career at the University of Lima. Researcher on issues of quality, process management, logistics, technology and innovation, human factor in industry, service engineering, circular economy, and engineering education. Co-author of works such as Manual for the Design of Manufacturing Facilities and Services, Continuous Improvement of Processes, Plant Layout, Total Quality in the Peruvian Company - Process, Results and Perspectives, Techniques for the Study of Work. Currently Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Lima.

  • Rafael Chavez, Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru

    PhD (c) from Pablo de Olavide University - Spain. Master in Strategic Business Administration from CENTRUM Business Administration from CENTRUM Católica; MBA In General and Strategic Management from the Maastricht School of Management in of Management from the Maastricht School of Management in Holland; Industrial Engineer from the University of Lima. Executive with experience in service, pharmaceutical and telecommunications companies, in commercial, quality and operations areas.
    Consultant specialised in strategy and business improvement. Associate professor with 15 years of experience in Engineering and Business. Results oriented leading multidisciplinary teams.

  • Joan Sanchez, Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru

    Industrial Engineer, assistant in research projects in the textile industry (cotton and alpaca fiber), design of textile machines. Laboratory Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at Universidad de Lima, in the courses of Electrical Engineering and Machines and Tools.

  • Carlos Galvez, Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru

    ndustrial Engineer. Master in Administration - ESAN. Experience in Operations, Logistics, Quality, Environment and Social Responsibility. Contracted lecturer. Faculty of Architecture and Engineering. 






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How to Cite

Larios-Francia, R., Cárdenas, O., Rodriguez-Huanca, F. H., Ccopa, J., Condori, A., Hernández, W., Chaves-Bellido, L., Díaz, B., Chavez, R., Sanchez, J., & Galvez, C. (2023). Textile characteristics of the Huacaya alpaca fibre, according to agroecological zones, sex and age in the Puno Region (Peru). Revista De Investigaciones Veterinarias Del Perú, 34(2), e21356. https://doi.org/10.15381/rivep.v34i2.21356