Fasciolasis in children of three districts of Junin, Perú


  • Carina Mantari T. Laboratorio de Parasitología y Microbiología Veterinaria
  • Amanda Chávez V Laboratorio de Parasitología y Microbiología Veterinaria
  • Francisco Suárez A. Laboratorio de Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú.
  • Carlos Arana D. Estación Experimental del Centro de Investigación IVITA – El Mantaro, Huancayo
  • Rosa Pinedo V. Laboratorio de Parasitología y Microbiología Veterinaria
  • Rosendo Ccenta E. Laboratorio de Parasitología y Microbiología Veterinaria




liver fluke, fasciolasis, Jauja, sedimentation, zoonosis


The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of fasciolasis caused by Fasciola hepatica in children of three districts of Junin, Peru and its association with age, gender and location. It was collected 312 faecal samples from children aged 4 to 12 years in the Masma (n=128) and Llocllapampa (n=70) districts, province of Jauja, and Santa Rosa de Ocopa district (n=114), province of Concepcion, in August and September, 2009. Samples were analyzed by the fast sedimentation coprologic technique. The results showed a prevalence of 11.7% in Masma and 0.9% in Santa Rosa de Ocopa (p<0.05), whereas all samples from Llocllapampa district were negative. There was not statistical association between gender and age with presence of infection. These findings confirm the persistence of the infection in some areas of Junin.


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How to Cite

Mantari T., C., Chávez V, A., Suárez A., F., Arana D., C., Pinedo V., R., & Ccenta E., R. (2012). Fasciolasis in children of three districts of Junin, Perú. Revista De Investigaciones Veterinarias Del Perú, 23(4), 454-461. https://doi.org/10.15381/rivep.v23i4.952