Aims and scope

Anales de la Facultad de Medicina is the official publication of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of San Marcos, destined to the promotion of issues of education, research, and medical practice, University teaching, and the improvement of public health. The first issue of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina appeared in January 1918, when Dr. Ernesto Odriozola was Dean, and the first Editor Secretary was Dr. Hermilio Valdizán. Since then, this magazine, the oldest of the medical publications in the Peru, expressed the development and problems of teaching and practice of medicine in our country. Anales de la Facultad de Medicina is published quarterly, one volume per year, is peer-reviewed and indexed in the following databases: LIPECS, LILACS, LATINDEX, IMBIOMED, REDALYC, DOAJ, HINARI, SciELO, e-Revistas. Anales de la Facultad de Medicina is distributed in both printed and electronic format, with free access to full text.