Guidelines for authors

(Update 2024)

Anales de la Facultad de Medicina is the official publication of the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), intended for the dissemination of related knowledge to education, research, medical practice and health sciences.

Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, is the oldest university magazine in the health field in the country, its first issue appeared in January 1918. It is published in a volume per year made up of four issues on a quarterly basis, is refereed by peers and is indexed in the following databases: Scopus, SciELO, DOAJ, REDALYC, DIALNET, REDIB LIPECS, LILACS, LATINDEX, IMBIOMED, and HINARI. It is distributed in both printed and electronic versions, with free access to full text through the Open Journal Systems system: http://revistasinvestigacion

Anales de la Facultad de Medicina does not require any payment for evaluation or publication rights for the authors of articles.




Article presentation

The articles submitted to Anales de la Facultad de Medicina must be unpublished; That is, neither the article nor part of it may have been published or be in the process of publication in another journal. Furthermore, the article must not have been simultaneously submitted to other scientific journals.

Articles can be written in Spanish or English, depending on the origin and preference of the authors. Authors are suggested to write articles in their native language; Also, the Editorial Committee may suggest that the authors translate the article into Spanish or English for greater dissemination, recommending a translator who specializes in scientific writing in that language.

The editorial policy of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina preferably contemplates the publication of scientific articles related to relevant and emerging problems in the field of medical and health practice. public. The journal privileges interdisciplinary research that expands health research both at the level of the environment and the social and cultural world, with special emphasis on the identification of new research problems, the development of critical thinking, innovation in health technologies and the study of the social and cultural determinants of the health-illness-care and care process.


Article submission

Article submission will be made through the Open Journal System (OJS):

  1. You must register as an author in the registry:

    You can consult the registration guide:

    Immediately after registration you will receive a message to your email with the username and password so you can access the system and upload your manuscript.
  1. Upload your article through the OJS system.

    You can consult the guide for submitting manuscripts:</a >


Documents to attach

The following files will be sent mandatory:

  1. The article prepared and written according to the requirements for the presentation of articles detailed later in these instructions.
  1. Affidavit of authorship and authorization for publication, with the respective signature of all authors; Likewise, information about the authors must be provided such as: institutional affiliation, profession and highest academic degree, ORCID, email, telephone number and the specific contribution in the preparation of the article according to CrediT taxonomy. Said sworn statement is available at: view/13852/12394
  1. Checklist</strong >, which must be filled out in its entirety. If an article does not apply to some of the items, the box is left unchecked. This checklist is available at: view/14002/12395

The policies of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina (AFM), including those related to conflicts of interest, ethical aspects, and falsification of data and documents, apply to all articles presented. To begin the editorial process, the presentation of the documentation requested in sections 1, 2 and 3 is mandatory; If not met, the article will be returned to the author.

If the article was previously submitted to another scientific journal, the authors must provide a copy of the peer review comments and a detailed response for each observation .

At the beginning of the editorial process, the articles received are evaluated by the journal's Editorial Committee. Some articles will not be accepted immediately if they do not conform to the editorial line or do not meet the requirements stipulated in the instructions for authors; all other articles undergo peer review.


Ethical aspects

Before submitting articles to Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, authors are recommended to take into consideration the provisions of the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publications, whose recommendations are found in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Magazine Editors, to which we adhere. This information is available at:

Anales de la Facultad de Medicina has a policy for detecting ethical publication errors such as: plagiarism, fictitious authorship, changes in authorship, redundant publication, manipulation of data, and undisclosed conflict of interest. If any ethical misconduct in publication is detected, Anales de la Facultad de Medicina will reject or retract the article and take the measures recommended by the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publications, which includes informing the author and other authors of the violation. , to the institution where you belong, to your superiors, to the entity that sourced the financing, to the ethics committee of your institution, to other scientific journals and other authorities. AFM uses similarity detection software with respect to other scientific publications; in order to determine the magnitude of this similarity. Authors are recommended that, before submitting their articles, the manuscript be processed by similarity detection software. Articles that exceed 20% similarity with other publications will not be accepted; If so, the manuscript will be automatically rejected.

Experimental research in humans and animals

Articles that describe experiments carried out on human beings must indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional or regional Ethics Committee, and with the Declaration of Helsinki updated to 2013 (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. JAMA. 2013;310(20):2191-4). In Peru, the rules to follow for experimentation on human beings are established in the Regulation of Clinical Trials in Peru (Supreme Decree No. 021-2017-SA). The National Institute of Health is the authority in charge at the national level of ensuring compliance with said Regulation and the related regulations that govern the authorization and execution of clinical trials. Authors of clinical trials in humans require approval from the National Institute of Health before starting the experiment. At the request of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, the main author must provide copies of documentation proving authorization.

The names of the patients, their initials, or medical record number, or in general data that would allow the study subjects to be identified, should not be mentioned. Recognizable features in photographs of identifiable people must be masked. Studies on patients, patient records or volunteers require approval from the institutional Ethics Committee, as well as informed consent.

For experimentation on animals, the authors will take into consideration the international standards for the use of experimental animals, in particular those recommended by the Office of Animal Care and Use of National Institutes of Health (, as well as the institution's guidelines or national law regulating the care and use of laboratory animals. The animals used must be named in the title, abstract, keywords and material and methods. Such experimentation must be thoroughly detailed in the materials and methods section. Experimental research on animals carried out in our country must have the approval of the Ethics and Animal Welfare Committee (CEBA) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos: or committee with equivalent functions of the institution where the study was carried out.


Guidelines for research development and presentation

To submit articles, authors are recommended to follow the internationally established guidelines for the design, conduct and presentation of different types of studies:


Authorship requirements

Recognition of authorship should be based on: 1) Significant contributions to the conception or design of the manuscript, or to the collection, analysis or interpretation of data; 2) Drafting or major critical revision of the content of the manuscript; 3) Final approval of the version to be published, and 4) Assumption of responsibility for all aspects of the manuscript, to ensure that matters relating to the accuracy or integrity of any part of it will be adequately investigated and resolved. The search for funding, data collection, or general supervision of the research group does not alone justify authorship. All persons listed as authors must meet the authorship criteria, and all those who meet them must appear in the author list. Contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria should appear in the Acknowledgments section. It is essential that each author of the article has an ORCID code (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) in order to distinguish their academic and research activity:

The list of authors included in the affidavit of authorship will be the only ones considered within the journal's editorial process. No subsequent changes in the number or order of authors will be accepted.

Use of artificial intelligence

The position of the journal Anales de la Facultad de Medicina on the use of generative artificial intelligence in the writing of scientific articles as well as the attribution of authorship, follows the recommendations of the International Committee on Scientific Publication Ethics (COPE: ) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME:</ a>); Thus, artificial intelligence tools cannot be included as authors of an article since they do not meet the authorship requirements of not assuming responsibility for their contents, and they cannot affirm the presence or absence of conflicts of interest. The authors must declare - as the case may be - that no artificial intelligence was used in the writing of the manuscript, nor in the creation of tables or figures; If it was used, they must declare the specific parts of the manuscript where it was used, as well as the tables or figures that were generated. Likewise, the artificial intelligence tool and the way it was used should be mentioned.

The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an artificial intelligence tool, and are therefore responsible for any breach of the publication ethics.


In this section we thank the collaborators of the study; that is, to the people who made important contributions to the article, including clinical trial participants. It should be specifically mentioned to whom and for what type of collaboration in the research the thanks are carried out. The collaborators mentioned in this section must provide written authorization for the publication of their names.

Examples to include in the Acknowledgments: people who collaborate only by providing technical or methodological help, collaborations in writing the manuscript, collaborations in data collection, collaborations in the laboratory analysis processing.

Declaration of conflicts of interest

The authors must declare any personal or commercial relationship that may imply bias and therefore a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. Conflicts of interest may be direct or indirect, including financial interest of the authors on the part of the company sponsoring the study; as well as jobs, scholarships, travel expenses, trips, consultancies, etc. Non-financial conflicts of interest include: political, personal, religious, ideological, academic and intellectual.

If the author has shares in the company or is an employee of the company, whether full or part-time, this must be indicated in the declaration of conflicts of interest. Failure to do so may result in sanctions. Announcing the sources of financial support for the study does not imply a conflict of interest.

Copyright Assignment Statement

Authors who submit articles to Anales de la Facultad de Medicina at the time of sending the sworn declaration of authorship and authorization for publication of the article, assign their rights to the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Lima-Peru, so that it may disseminate the article under the conditions, procedures and means available to it. The authors will not receive royalties or monetary compensation from the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos for the publication of articles in Anales de la Facultad de Medicina. Accordingly, the intellectual property of the articles published in Anales de la Facultad de Medicina is exclusive to the authors.

Shipping Item Checklist

It verifies that the article meets the requirements requested for publication. If the checklist is not submitted, the editorial process cannot continue.


Peer review

Peer review or arbitration is a method used to guarantee the quality, originality, feasibility and scientific rigor of a research article. Peer review is a mandatory process for all types of articles submitted except editorials that are evaluated by the Editorial Committee itself.

The articles sent to Anales de la Facultad de Medicina are evaluated by reviewers with experience and knowledge of the topic to which the article to be evaluated refers, with the intention that your concept achieves good judgment and high quality for publication. The requirements to be a reviewer of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina are: knowledge of the subject, impartiality, profile and academic and research career, responsibility, and ethics. Selected reviewers do not receive remuneration; However, they are given the corresponding evaluator certificate for academic purposes, and they are mentioned in the printed volume where they contributed. When the article requires it, expert reviewers in the area of statistics and epidemiology are also available.

The articles received will be initially evaluated by the Editorial Committee according to the required requirements and a prior review by the editors. Subsequently, they will be submitted to peer arbitration, for which at least two reviewers per article are summoned, who anonymously and within a period of 15 days will rate the manuscripts at the request of the Editorial Committee through a report based on the evaluation provided by the magazine. The type of review is double-blind peer review. The referees or reviewers issue their rating and send suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the article. At the discretion of the Editorial Committee and the methodology reviewers, the authors will be requested to provide the database used in the methods and results described and presented in the article.

The referees' evaluation considers the article:

  • Publishable without modifications
  • Publishable with minor observations
  • Publishable with further comments
  • Not publishable

Once the qualification, suggestions and recommendations of the referees have been received, the Editorial Committee will decide if it does not accept the publication of the article or sends the observations it considers pertinent to be acquitted. by the authors. These observations are sent to the author who is given a period of 20 days to send the modified article. No work will be definitively accepted until all observations have been clarified and/or modified. When the authors send their manuscript again with the requested corrections, they must send it in Word format with tracked changes and will attach a letter in which they will explain the modifications made and, where appropriate, the divergent points of view. Depending on the case, Anales de la Facultad de Medicina may resubmit the corrected article to a reviewer before considering its publication. If the corrections were not sent within a period of two months, the article will be deleted and will go to the digital archive, notifying the author of this decision. Anales de la Facultad de Medicina reserves the right to make changes or introduce modifications to the article for the sake of better understanding, without resulting in changes to its content. The corresponding author will approve the final diagrammed version (PDF) before publication. Reviewers may suggest that an original article be published as a short communication or letter to the editor.

The average time of the editorial process from receipt of the article to the decision of the Editorial Committee varies between two and four months. The author can request information about the progress of the article's review, as well as the stage of the editorial process in which his article is.

At the discretion of the authors, the article may be previously published and before the corresponding peer review, in a pre-print repository, and must be informed at the time to submit the article for publication in Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, with the corresponding DOI link.

Articles that are suitable for publication, after the corresponding editorial peer review process, will be published prior to the usual quarterly publication deadlines of Anales de the Facultad de Medicina as Advance Publication.


Test final version of article

It is a stage of the editorial process after the layout and editing of the article to be published. A proof of the article will be sent to the author in PDF format. The proof will be carefully reviewed and any errors will be flagged, with corrected proofs returned within 48 hours. Changes to the content of the article will not be accepted. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept or reject corrections made by the author. If the authors do not make observations on the final version of the diagrammed article, the Editorial Committee will consider the final version accepted. Anales de la Facultad de Medicina will assign the respective DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each diagrammed article.



The statements, judgments, and opinions expressed in the articles published in Anales de la Facultad de Medicina correspond to the authors and not necessarily to the Editorial Committee of the Anales de la School of Medicine. Both the Editorial Committee of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina and the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos do not assume any responsibility for the material displayed, nor do they guarantee or support any product that is advertised in the magazine, nor do they guarantee the statements made by the manufacturer on said product or service.

In accordance with the editorial policy, Anales de la Facultad de Medicina does not receive or promote advertising of products or services of any kind on its pages.< /p>


Permissions for the dissemination of content

Under current regulations, all rights are reserved by the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The dissemination of the contents of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, by any means, is authorized as long as the source of origin is cited. Distribution of the journal is free to researchers, academics, doctors, universities, and scientific and academic institutions. Anales de la Facultad de Medicina is subject to exchange with other similar publications and is available in full text at: http:/ / Anales de la Facultad de Medicina uses the LOCKSS system for the collection, preservation and storage of published articles.



The requirements for the submission of articles to the Anales de la Facultad de Medicina comply with the recommendations for the preparation, presentation and publication of academic works in biomedical journals, of the International Committee of Editors of Biomedical Journals. These requirements are available at the following email address: .pdf

1. On the first page it will be stated:

  • Title of the article, concise and informative, with approximately 15 words, abbreviations should not be used, the conclusions of the study should not appear in the title. The title in English must be included. The English version must include the title in Spanish. The abbreviated title must be indicated
  • Names and surnames of the author or authors, preferred form and presentation
  • Academic degree and institutional affiliation of the authors. An institutional affiliation and an academic affiliation as well as the highest academic degree
  • ORCID code of each of the authors:
  • Emails of each of the authors
  • Name and email of corresponding author

In addition, the authors will explicitly state the following:

If the research was presented in part or in whole at a scientific event (book of abstracts, poster or oral presentation), it is part of a thesis, technical report or is located in a digital repository, authors must indicate the primary reference on the first page of the article and the corresponding location link.

2. Text format

Articles must be submitted in Spanish or English, in word format, with a font size of no less than 12 on A4 sheet size, double spaced, with 2.5 cm margins, with the following order: general title and summary title, summary and abstract with keywords, main text, acknowledgments, references, tables and figures with legends. The research presented, both in its execution and the data analyzed, must be no older than 5 years; Exceptionally, at the discretion of the Editorial Committee, the age of a study, according to its contribution and significance, could be greater than indicated. Authors are recommended, for a better presentation of the article, to consider the virtual course on scientific writing and publication of the National Institute of Health:

3. Bibliographic references

The bibliographic references will refer exclusively to the text of the article, they will be ordered correlatively according to their appearance in the text and written following the Vancouver writing style. They must have the corresponding DOI. Due to their importance in the scientific article, bibliographic references must be updated (no older than five years), emblematic, or that have marked a milestone in current knowledge.

Journal articles: Surnames of the author and co-authors followed by the initials of the names, these without separation from each other. Up to six authors can be cited, separated by commas; If there are more than six, they will not be noted and 'y col', in Spanish, 'et al', in English, will be added. After the authors, a period will be placed and then the title of the article in the language of origin will be cited, ending with a period. Next, the name of the Journal (in an internationally recognized abbreviation) and the year of publication, a semicolon; the volume number (Supplement number in quotes), followed by a colon ending with the pages between which the article appears and a final period. Add the DOI.

Example: Goswami N, Kavcic V, Marusic U, Simunic B, Rössler A, Hinghofer-Szalkay H, Pisot R. Effect of computerized cognitive training with virtual spatial navigation task during bed rest immobilization and recovery on vascular function: a pilot study. Clin Interv Aging. 2015;2015(10):453- 9. DOI: 10.2147/CIA.S76028

Books, brochures or similar: Author and/or co-authors in the same way as for articles. Title of the work, period followed and then the preposition “In”, followed by a colon, surnames and initials of the editors of the book followed by the word “editor(s)” in parentheses, period and the title of the book, in the language originally; period followed and the edition number, period; place of publication and colon, name of the publisher, period; year of publication, colon and (without separation) pages on which the work appears, period; DOI.

Example: Moncada S, Higgs EA. Nitric oxide and the vascular endothelium. In: Moncada S, Higgs A (Eds): The Vascular Endothelium I. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2006:213-54. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-32967-6

Thesis: Author, in the same way as for articles. Title of the work, in parentheses specify the degree chosen, period followed. City and country where it was founded, separated by a comma, a colon and the university of origin, a comma, the year and a period followed. The number of pages, followed by the abbreviation pp.

Example: Gota DF. Morbidity and mortality. Retrospective study in hospitalized patients at the Cayetano Heredia Hospital (Bachelor's Thesis). Lima-Peru: Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University. 1990:59 pp.

Technical documents on the internet:
Pan American Health Organization. Demographic perspectives of population aging in the Region of the Americas, 2023 [Internet]. Pan American Health Organization and Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; 2023 [Access date: December 12, 2023]. Available at:

Congress of the Republic of Peru. Supreme Decree that approves the Regulation of Law No. 30453, Law of the National Medical Resident System (SINAREME) [Internet]. Official Gazette El Peruano; 2017 [Access date: September 18, 2023]. Available at: /1492036-2

Web pages:
Infosalus. SERMEF warns that Spanish healthcare “is not prepared” for the “epidemic” of disability due to aging. Assistance [Internet]. 2018 May 17 [Access date: September 18, 2023]. Available at:
</ p>

4. Sections of the magazine

Articles sent to Anales de la Facultad de Medicina must belong to one of the following sections: The maximum length of words depending on the type of article is indicated in the table 1.

Table 1.  Maximum length of words, tables, figures and references according to section.
Section Summary Contents Figures and tables Bibliographical references
Editorial -- 1500 -- 10 
Original Article 250 3500 5 30
Original Brief 150 2000 4 20
Case Report 125 1500 4 15
Review Article 250 4000 5 70
Special Article 150 4000 70
Clinical Practice Guidelines 250 4000 8 70
History and Humanities in Health 100 3000 30
Letters to the Editor -- 500/1000 1 10

4.1 Editorial: They are presented at the request of the Director of the magazine, its content will refer to the articles published in the same issue of the magazine, or will deal with a topic of interest according to the editorial policy.

4.2 Original Article: Unpublished research work on a subject related to the scientific, technical, humanistic or ethical field of medicine. The Editorial Committee will consider, prior to peer review, the contribution and/or significance of the article with respect to current evidence on the research topic.

They will be written according to the following scheme: Title and its translation into English, summary and keywords, abstract and keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References bibliographical. Citations to bibliographic references must be written in ascending order of appearance in the text, with a maximum of 4 for each concept to be referenced, in parentheses and in superscript.

Summary and keywords

If it is written in Spanish, it must have the respective translation into English or vice versa, having a maximum length of 250 words, each. It will contain a brief Introduction (background on why the study was conducted), the Objectives of the study (what the study seeks to determine), the Methods (study design), Results (only the main ones) and the most important Conclusions. Following the summary, add 3 to 10 keywords or phrases found in the BIREME health sciences descriptors: http :// In the Abstract, the corresponding parts are: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Keywords, reviewed with the MeSH descriptor: Institution names should not be translated unless there is an officially accepted translation.


Includes a statement of reasons and objectives of the work and a brief reference to the relevant literature, without making an extensive review of the topic. It must have justification for carrying out the study, regarding the current evidence on the topic. It should not include data or conclusions from the work carried out. The objectives will be stated in the last paragraph.


Briefly describe the characteristics of the subjects or the material used in the work: the design (type of study), the operational definitions of the study variables, the description of the data sources or data collection instruments, the techniques used to carry them out, and describes the statistical tests or analysis methodologies, quantitative or qualitative, used. Only new techniques or modifications should be detailed. For known techniques, indicate only the bibliographical reference. The following subheadings are recommended as an outline for this section: Study design, Population and sample, Source of information or data, Inclusion criteria, Variables, Data analysis, Ethical aspects. Studies, even if they are observational, must have the corresponding approval of an Institutional Ethics Committee. The authors must submit the instruments used for the study or other technical elements that allow the results of the study to be reproduced, which will be requested in the peer review process.


They should be presented in a concise manner, but as orderly or coherent as possible. The use of tables and figures is to complement the information; Limit the number to the minimum necessary, in order not to repeat the information presented in the text. The tables and figures, in simple format without color, ordered with Arabic numbers, will have their corresponding legend, they must be in editable word or excel format (not in image). The units of measurements will be according to the International System of Units (commas, not points, are used for decimals) and the scientific names of animals according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The statistical tests used must be mentioned in the legend of the tables or figures. Photographs must be of the best possible resolution. When reproducing already published material, it is essential to attach a copy of the authorization letter from the original author and the respective publisher.


The first paragraph should present the main findings of the study. Emphasize the new and important aspects of your study and the conclusions derived from them, highlighting the contribution to knowledge of the observations made. Do not repeat data or information already presented in the introduction and results sections. Establish the link between the conclusions and the objectives of the study, but refrain from making general statements and drawing conclusions that are not scientifically supported. Compare your results with those of other researchers, with the respective bibliographical support. If the study was carried out in Peru, consider in the discussion the evidence generated by other studies carried out in the country. It may include new hypotheses and recommendations, when there is justification for this. The limitations of the study should be mentioned in the penultimate paragraph. In the last paragraph the main conclusions of the study will be presented.


The acknowledgments to people or institutions that in some way have collaborated in the preparation of your work will appear before the bibliographical references.

4.3 Brief Original:Short writing on a specific topic that the author submits to the magazine for your knowledge and discussion. It may be preliminary original research or one that does not have the significance of an original work. It has the same structure as an original article.

4.4 Case Report: Medical case of diagnostic interest, rarity of observation or obvious interest, which warrants its publication. They must be written according to the following scheme: Summary and unstructured abstract, Keywords and keywords, Introduction, Case report, Discussion and Bibliographic references. They must have the corresponding approval of an Institutional Ethics Committee and the informed consent of the patient. In the case of minors, the consent of relatives or guardians must be obtained as appropriate.

4.5 Review Article: Nosological review that synthesizes, analyzes , and updates a medical topic, based on recent scientific evidence. Only systematic reviews and meta-analyses will be accepted: http://www.prisma-statement. org/. Narrative reviews will not be accepted. The Editorial Committee of Anales de la Facultad de Medicina may invite experts on a topic of interest to the corresponding editorial team. They must be written according to the following scheme: Summary and unstructured abstract, Keywords and keywords, Introduction, Search methodology and selection of results, Development of the topic, Conclusions and Bibliographic references.

4.6 Special Article: Will include articles that are within the editorial policy of the magazine but that do not conform to the characteristics of other sections. The special articles are oriented towards the discussion of relevant topics whose discussion confronts new research problems. Special articles are expressly requested by invitation of the Editorial Committee to high-profile expert researchers. Includes essays, systematizations and experiences that are of interest. They must be written according to the following scheme: Summary and unstructured abstract, Keywords and keywords, Introduction, Development of the topic and Bibliographic references.

4.7 Clinical Practice Guidelines: Will include guides made by experts in the area and approved by government entities in the health sector. They must explain the methodology used to prepare them, including the methods used to evaluate the quality of the evidence and assign the strength of each recommendation; Likewise, the link to the full version of the guide must be included. They must be written according to the following scheme: Summary and unstructured abstract, Keywords and keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Recommendations, Discussion and Bibliographic references.

4.8 History and Humanities in Health: It will include the narration and exposition of events related to the health-illness-attention-care process, from history, sociology or anthropology of health. It has the same structure as a special article.

4.9 Letter to the Editor: Written communication addressed to the Director of Magazine. Letters to the Editor will be accepted that meet the following considerations:

      • Letters that make references to articles published preferably in the last two issues in Anales de la Facultad de Medicina or at the discretion of the Editorial Committee. Contributions must be critical, especially related to the methodology used, findings, and conclusions of the research to which reference is made.
      • Scientific letters with contributions referring to research carried out by the authors. For both cases, the authors can be up to a maximum of 5.

When the letter relates advances in preliminary research or briefly describes an investigation, the number of words may be up to 1000. Letters of comments on published articles and replies They must be written up to 500 words.

Supplementary Material

At the discretion of the authors and the Editorial Committee, Supplementary Material will be published as complementary information to what is presented in the article, with the purpose of improving its understanding, such as for example: Office files (word, excel and powerpoint), image files, audio files, video files, and applications. They must be sent along with all the requested documentation.

One of the main objectives of the availability of open data in science is to allow the transparency and verification of scientific claims, by enabling the reproducibility of the results, and allowing that data from many sources is integrated to provide new insights. Thus, at the discretion of the Editorial Committee, the corresponding databases obtained for the authors in their research will be requested for publication as Supplementary Material of the article or publication by the authors in public data repositories will be recommended:</ a>



Doubts or queries about the editorial policy or about the requirements for submitting articles can be directed to the Editorial Committee:
Anales de la Facultad de Medicina
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Av. Grau Nº 755, Lima 1, Peru.
☎ 6197000 – annex 4672