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Author Guidelines


  • Editorial.- Addressed to doctrinal aspectsof San Fernando Faculty of Medicine, transcendent and current themes requiring collegiate institutional opinionto papers and articles published in Anales. The Journal's Editor and guest Editors are responsible of this section.

  • Articles.- Only original and previous lyun published articles will be considered for publication. Clinical Trials will adjust to regulations governing the conduct of biomedical research involving human participants, the Peruvian Clinical Trials Regulations2011, and regulations on animal experiments. Requisites for publishing these papers are as follows:


    In no more than 250 words, the Abstractwill provide the study context or background, objectives, basic procedures, main findings and main conclusions.

    Introduction: Context or background for the study, problem nature and significance.

    Objectives: Reasons or aims of the study. 

    Design : Type(s) of research, randomized or not, blind, controls, group assignation.

    Setting: Institution or institutions wherethe study was done, indicating if it wasa teaching hospital. 

    Participantes o Material: Sujetos de estudio o animales de laboratorio u otros materiales.

    Participants or Materials: Study subjectsor laboratory animals or other materials.

    Interventions: Procedures done, study subjects or laboratory animals selection; observation and intervention methods, duration, ethics, statistical analysis.

    Main outcome measures: Primary resultsfor evaluation of the study.

    Results: Main findings, specificeffects and magnitude, and statistical significance.

    Conclusions: Endpoints reached in thestudy, with emphasis in new important aspects or observations.

    Keywords: Use medical subject headings(MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine.

    Resumen: Abstract in Spanish.

    Palabras clave: Keywords in Spanish.


    Establishes the purpose of the articleand resumes study justification. It alsoprovides pertinent background but does not include current paper’s new data or conclusions. This section should include brief pertinent literature references.


    Will include:

    - Materials: Brief description of characteristicsof participants or materialstudied.

    - Methods: Methodology employed anddetail only when a new method is usedor its characteristics are little known. Describe statistical methods in detailso that the reader may be able toverify results by accessing the original data. Whenever possible, quantifyand present findings with appropriate indicators of miscalculation or certainty, such as confidence intervals. Include ethical and deontological procedures for the investigation.


    Should be objective, with statistical analysis when pertinent, without personal interpretation. Results should be presented in logical sequence in thetext, charts and illustrations; emphasizeor resume only important information. The number of tables and figures shouldbe reduced to those strictly necessaryand should not repeat data al ready displayed. Use graphics as alternative to tables with various entries.


    Will include interpretation of results, agreement or discordance with study objectives or with other studies on thesame matter, and give pertinent suggestionsor postulates. Interrelate conclusions with the study objectives, but avoid phrases and conclusions not supported by data.


    Specify and appreciate clinical collaborationor healthcare collaboration, technical assistance, or financial and material support, specifying the natureof the same.


    Should be numbered in Arabic numeral sin parenthesis, in order of appearance, as mentioned in the text, tables andlegends. Will be presented in orderat the end of the paper. Style usedwill be that of the National Library of Medicine (

    - For articles: author or authors last namefollowed by first name(s) without period, period, paper’s title, period, journal’sabbreviate name, period, year; volume: pages location.

    - For texts: author or authors’ last name, followed by name(s) initials, period, titlein the original language, period, edition number, city, editorial and year of publication: pages.

  • Short Communication.- Brief paper onan interesting theme that the author presents to the Journal for informationand discussion.

  • Case Reports.- Will be considered for publication only those cases merited by diagnostic interest, rarity of presentationor evident interest. Will include Abstract, Introduction, Case report, Bibliography, and Discussion.

  • Review.- Scientific review of an aspectof medicine with the objective of summarizing, analyzing, synthesizing andupdating information.

  • Debate.- Presents and sustains opinionen riching debate in medicine and publichealth.

  • History.- Historic, anecdotic or biographic review related to Medicine or thethe Faculty of Medicine.

  • Biographical sketch.- Biography emphasizinga contemporary Peruvian health professional with influence on thecountry’s medical life. This section isentrusted by the Editorial Committee.

  • NOTE.- Specified sections do not necessarily establish obligation of inclusion, or excludes other quality sections.


• Anales complies with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (

• Anales de la Facultad de Medicina accepts only manuscripts which are original, have not been published or are not being submitted else where for publication.Papers may be written in Spanish or English and should comply with the Journal’s publication requirements. The Editor will send a note within 15 day sindicating date of reception.

• Submission items include cover letter, the manuscript (including the title, nameof author(s), working place, sponsoring institutions or organisms, conflicts of interest disclosures, main author’s name, address and e-mail for correspondence),structured abstract, manuscript, references Vancouver style, tables/figures with legends, Declaration of Authorship duly signed by each authorand the Check List, both obtained a t Each author’s role in the manuscript should be detailed in the Declaration of Author ship, and the agreementof all authors to the submission of the manuscript should be noted. Original papers will not exceed 15 pages.

• The manuscript and tables should bein Word (.doc) format. Figures may bein jpg, ppt, or doc format; photographic images are best presented in jpg format, while graphs and illustrations may be indoc, ppt, or pdf format. Do not submityour manuscript as pdf file.

• Submission items will be e-mailed or the manuscript and burned CD will be sentto the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de SanMarcos, Av. Grau 755 Lima 1 – Peru.

• Papers will be evaluated by anonymous peer reviewers selected by the Editor. Contributions by the Editorial Committee members will be qualified by other non-members professionals designated by the Editor. The processof peer-reviewing determines the text academic suitability requirements and the possibility of publication or the needof modifications before a new peer reviewingis done.

• Anales de la Facultad de Medicina claims the right to accept papers, to request modifications and to standardizethe style of the manuscript.

• Statements and opinions expressed inarticles and communications herein arethose of the authors and not necessarily those of the editors or the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Faculty of Medicine.

• Anales de la Facultad de Medicina will assure that authors, reviewers and editors strictly follow the international ethical rules in the publication process ( Originality of the publication material will be promotedand reviewers should be alert to anypossibility of plagiarism.

• For more information please contact:Editor, Anales de la Facultad de MedicinaFaculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Av. Grau 755 Lima 1 – Peru Phone: 511 - 6197000 Extension 4672.E-mail:


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Artículo Original

Trabajo de investigación inédito sobre una materia relacionada con el campo científico, técnico, humanístico o ético de la medicina.

Original Breve

Escrito breve sobre un tema determinado que el autor presenta a la revista para su conocimiento y discusión. Puede ser una investigación original preliminar o que no tiene la trascendencia de un trabajo original.

Artículos de Revisión

Revisión nosológica que sintetiza, analiza, y actualiza un tema médico, incluyendo las evidencias científicas. El Comité Editorial de Anales de la Facultad de Medicina puede realizar invitaciones a expertos sobre algún tema de interés para la redacción correspondiente.


Exposición de diferentes aspectos sobre un tema del campo de la medicina. La realizan expertos en el tema a través de escritos individuales.

Historia y Humanidades en Salud

Narración y exposición de acontecimientos pasados relacionados a la medicina o la Facultad de Medicina.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.