Quality of life meaning for the older adult and his family


  • Martha Vera Departamento Académico de Enfermería, Facultad de Medicina - Universidad Nacional Mayor de SanMarcos. Lima, Perú




Aged, quality of life, family, social indicators


Objective: To understand the meaning that the linguistic expression ‘quality of life of the older adult’ has for the olderadultandhisfamily.Design:Qualitative,descriptive, interpretative-comprehensive study, based on the Theory of Social Representations. Setting: Asentamiento Humano LauraCaller,enLosOlivos,Lima,Peru.Participants:Older adults and theirrespective families. Methods: Techniques andinstrumentsconsistedinobservation,in-depthandfocal groupinterviews;observationguideandtwoquestionnaires with eight previously validated open questions. Main outcomemeasures:Qualityoflife significance fortheolder adultandhisfamily.Results:Between2004and2006sixteen olderadultsandtheirrespectivefamilygroupsparticipated. ‘Objectivity’ and ‘anchorage’ speeches and general, ideographic-axial and nomotetic-I analyses allowed the emergency of four social representations: a) knowledge on aging and being an older adult; b)main and secondary elements on older adult quality of life meaning; c) older adult and family values and attitudes on quality of life; and, d) older adult needs as a social being and quality of life.Conclusions:Totheolderadultqualityoflifemeansto have peacefulness and tranquility;to be taken care of and protected by the familywith dignity, love and respect; and associalbeinghavingsatisfiedhisneedsforfreeexpression, decision, communication and information. Forthe family, that the older adultsatisfies hisfeeding, dress, hygiene and house needs.






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How to Cite

Vera M. Quality of life meaning for the older adult and his family. An Fac med [Internet]. 2007 Sep. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];68(3):284-90. Available from: https://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/anales/article/view/1218