Chorioretinitis in a patient with disseminated histoplasmosis and systemic lupus erythematosus


  • Daniel Cruz Chagua Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru
  • Manuel López Fuentes Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru
  • Janeth Villegas Guzmán Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru
  • Bety Yáñez Álvarez Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru



Chorioretinitis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Histoplasmosis, Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic


Disseminated histoplasmosis (HD) is a systemic fungal infection, where Histoplasma capsulatum spreads from the lungs to different organs via the blood. It occurs mainly in severely immunocompromised patients who come from or have visited endemic regions. We report the case of a 39-year-old woman with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) of 11 years of evolution, treated with immunosuppressants and corticosteroids, who developed the disseminated form of the disease (lungs, skin, tongue, chorioretina). The association SLE and HD has been described, being the course variable depending on the degree of immunosuppression.    In the presence of chorioretinitis with other localized systemic manifestations in patients with SLE or other autoimmune diseases, HD should be highly suspected in the differential diagnosis.

Author Biographies

  • Daniel Cruz Chagua, Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru

    Médico residente de oftalmología.

  • Manuel López Fuentes, Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru

    Médico especialista en anatomía patológica.

  • Janeth Villegas Guzmán, Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru

    Médica especialista en reumatología.

  • Bety Yáñez Álvarez, Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Peru

    Médica especialista en oftalmología.






Reporte de Casos

How to Cite

Cruz Chagua D, López Fuentes M, Villegas Guzmán J, Yáñez Álvarez B. Chorioretinitis in a patient with disseminated histoplasmosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. An Fac med [Internet]. 2024 May 13 [cited 2024 Jun. 26];85(2). Available from: