The Ilio-Pelvic colon Peruvians. Introduction


  • Francisco Escudero Franco Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú



The Sigmoid volvulus Asa is one of the common causes of Intestinal Occlusion in our environment, as evidenced by publications surgeons acting ' in various regions of the country. The casuistic can appreciate that in the provinces of the Sierra , where there is the highest percentages . This feature contrasts with the fact observed on the coast, where Asa Sigmoid volvulus , is not reported as a cause of acute abdomen , but in low proportion . The papers presented at the V Inter-American Congress of Surgery in La Paz, Bolivia , in 1948 , and the Medical-Surgical II Peruvian-Bolivian Day in Lima, Peru , in 1962 , are a real Symposium incidence of sigmoid volvulus handle Undine in the settler , also observed in Bolivia , Chile and Argentina NO. Our surgeons agree in principle , as an etiologic factor , the greater length of the sigmoid loop concomitantly with the approach of the two pillars of mesosigma , considered by most writers as a fundamental anatomical element in the production of sigmoid volvulus . However, the frequency of this morphological feature in indomestizo group height , puts the problem in terms of the etiology of Dolicosigma , subsisting discussion in our surgical environment , on its interpretation : either as racial factor or as a dietary factor occasionally food , adding the reduced air pressure.






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How to Cite

Escudero Franco F. The Ilio-Pelvic colon Peruvians. Introduction. An Fac med [Internet]. 1965 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];48(4):537-64. Available from: