Muiskanobas cartographies: the social appropriation of the territory from the pedagogical innovation proposal of the school “Bachillerato tecnico Comercial Santa Ana”, located in the Municipality of Suacha, Colombia




Intercultural pedagogies, muiskanoba, decoloniality of knowledge, social cartography, Suacha, social appropriation of the territory


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the Muiskanoba pedagogical innovation experience, which has education and living as its axes, in relation to the production category of the social space. The implemented methodology is, mainly, the qualitative paradigm. We take as a reference the AI, researchlearning (Panqueba & Huérfano, 2006), which is based on the recognition of the students as main actors in the pedagogical process and of the teachers as knowledges who guide and co-apprehend the teaching process -learning. This experience has been developed in the school “Bachillerato Técnico Comercial Santa Ana” during the years 2019 and 2020, although it is necessary that the educational proposal has been implemented in the institution since 2002. A main aspect that we want to put into dialogue is the construction of ancestral territorial identity in the municipality: we demonstrate cultural roots and environmental awareness as fundamental needs to strengthen the daily memories of the territory.

Author Biographies

  • Carolina Salcedo, Colegio Bachillerato Tecnico Comercial Santa Ana

    Licenciada en básica primaria con énfasis en ciencias naturales y educación ambiental, maestrante en innovación social para la educación de la Universidad Minuto de Dios- Bogotá, asesora académica y rectora del colegio Bachillerato Técnico Comercial Santa Ana. 

  • Angie Garzón, Colegio Bachillerato Tecnico Comercial Santa Ana

    Licenciada en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana de la Universidad Distrital, docente de español en el Colegio Santa Ana.

  • Vanessa Muñoz, Colegio Bachillerato Tecnico Comercial Santa Ana

    Socióloga de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, especialista en Derechos humanos y estudios feministas y de género, docente de Ciencias sociales en el Colegio Santa Ana y educadora popular feminista de los colectivos Tejiendo Territorios y Chie- Resistencia Feminista.

  • Miguel Guerrero, Colegio Bachillerato Tecnico Comercial Santa Ana

    Sociólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, docente de Filosofía y economía del Colegio Santa Ana, maestrante en Derechos humanos de la UPTC.

  • Angélica Acevedo, Colegio Bachillerato Tecnico Comercial Santa Ana

    Licenciada en biología de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, docente de biología y Medio ambiente en el Colegio Santa Ana.







How to Cite

Salcedo, C., Garzón, A., Muñoz, V., Guerrero, M., & Acevedo, A. (2020). Muiskanobas cartographies: the social appropriation of the territory from the pedagogical innovation proposal of the school “Bachillerato tecnico Comercial Santa Ana”, located in the Municipality of Suacha, Colombia. Espiral, Revista De geografías Y Ciencias Sociales, 2(3), 015-034.