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Author Guidelines

1. Definition of the Journal

The Revista de Investigación de Física (RIF) is a biannual publication of the Faculty of Physical Sciences UNMSM, refereed by national and international peers, dedicated to the publication of original and unpublished works, based on research results in the area of Physical Sciences and the Engineering. The RIF journal publishes original articles by professors, researchers and students from UNMSM and other institutions dedicated to the advancement of Physics. The Revista de Investigación de Física is published in April, August and December.

2. Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of free availability of research to the public, which encourages greater exchange of global knowledge. No payment is necessary for the publication of manuscripts in the RIF journal.

3.  Ethics policy and good editorial practices

Editorial ethics

The Revista de Investigación de Física understands the importance and responsibility of publishing scientific research articles. In the Revista de Investigación de Física, the papers received go through a process in which authors, editors and reviewers are involved. The Revista de Investigación de Física ensures that the information provided in the articles is accurate and reliable, as well as the rights of those involved, good behavior and good procedures are preserved. For this, the Physics Research Journal is guided by the standards and codes of ethics of the National Code of Scientific Integrity, the Committee on Publication Ethics and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), as well as the declaration of the Principles of transparency and good practices in academic publication Principles of transparency and good practices in academic publication. As well as other Peruvian regulations related to scientific research, such as legal regulations on copyright, open access and others related to the topics of our journal.

Plagiarism and misconduct

The Revista de Investigación de Física considers plagiarism as fraud in publication, and is defined as the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results or words without giving the corresponding credit. Fraud and misconduct also include fabrication (invention of data or results), and falsification (manipulation of research materials, equipment, processes to alter data or results, as well as the change or omission of data or results. ).

The Revista de Investigación de Física does not tolerate plagiarism, fraud, or misconduct, which is why it establishes mechanisms to avoid and remedy it:

(a) during the editorial process, the Revista de Investigación de Física prevents the publication of plagiarism, fraud and misconduct by using peer opinion and text review using the Similarity Check – iThenticate or Turnitin Feedback Studio tools to detect textual similarities.

(b) After its publication, if the Revista de Investigación de Física detects or is alerted and confirms cases of plagiarism, fraud or misconduct, it will proceed according to the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE - http://publicationethics. org/) executing the retraction of the article in cases where fraud has been proven and determined.

4. Arbitration and external evaluation system

Manuscripts must be submitted with a letter of presentation of the research work to the Editor, with the research data on a separate file, specifying the responsibility for the study and the ethical commitment assumed with the results of the study. A requirement for acceptance is that the results of the research have not been disseminated, totally or partially, in the information of its results, in another magazine or publication, therefore maintaining the original, innovative and unpublished character.

Works that meet the requested guidelines will be included in the list for evaluation. The works received will be evaluated and qualified in the first instance by the Editorial Committee who will review compliance with the guidelines for the presentation of the works (editorial policies and guidelines for authors) and will verify the originality of the manuscript through the Turnitin software.

After acceptance of the work by the Editorial Team, the manuscript will be assigned to an Associate Editor who will be in charge of conducting the process by sending the work to referees (peer review), who are selected for their expertise and knowledge on the subject. to which the work to be evaluated refers. The reviewer will evaluate the work according to international standards and criteria of quality, creativity, originality and contribution to knowledge.

The reviewers will have the following characteristics: knowledge of the topic, being external to the institution that runs the journal, having recognition as a researcher and academic, responsibility and discretion in the evaluation. Selected reviewers do not receive remuneration. The type of review is double blind; that is, the reviewer remains anonymous to the author, and the names of the authors will not be revealed to the peer reviewers.

The referees' evaluation considers the following qualifications:

Manuscript acceptable for publication without modifications: acceptance and immediate publication of the work in its current presentation.

Manuscript acceptable for publication with minor changes: minor observations (formal aspects) are recommendations to improve the quality of the article but may or may not be taken into account by the authors.
Manuscript acceptable for publication with major changes: the major observations (substantive aspects) are those whose resolution is essential for the possible publication of the article.

Manuscript unacceptable for publication: it is a work that is not publishable and does not accept appeals.

The referees must justify the qualification assigned to the work they reviewed, however, the decision to accept the manuscript for publication will be made by the Editorial Committee of the journal. The work has the status of ACCEPTED when it has passed the review process and the author has made all of the indicated corrections and modifications. The accepted work is sent for style correction and layout. The diagrammed version (galley proof) will be sent to the author for review and returned with a letter of approval and permission for publication. When the General Editor of the journal has all the documentation that will allow him to publish the work, then the work is considered “article in press.”

The specialist referee or academic peer will receive a proof of review of the article in the name of the Physics Research Journal.

5. Information services

The Journal of Research in Physics (RIF) is indexed in the Latindex Catalog 2.0 system ( and in the DOAJ open access journal directory (https: //

6. Formatting rules for presentation

The technical recommendations assumed by the Revista de Investigación de Física correspond to the standards of the American Physical Society (APS), to favor the uniformity of experienced authors and editors in the writing of scientific topics and therefore facilitate scientific communication. Authors submitting manuscripts should be guided by the APS publication style manual.

This technical reference allows manuscripts to be evaluated with existing verification instruments. The first evaluation must be carried out by the researcher and/or the team of researchers who signed the authorship. The author is the one who assumes scientific and ethical responsibility for the research. When authorship falls to a research team, the aforementioned responsibility is assumed by the first name that appears in the publication.

Types of articles
In order to qualify manuscripts submitted for publication, the Revista de Investigación de Física classifies the following types of articles:

Original article (minimum 5 pages)

Review article (no page limit)

Short communication (maximum 4 pages)

Letter to the Editor (maximum 2 pages)

In all cases the articles must be original and contribute to scientific-technological knowledge worldwide. For this reason, it is recommended that the publication should contribute to the theoretical or experimental construction of physical sciences and engineering.

6.2. Manuscript presentation format

Manuscripts must be sent in digital format (to start the arbitration process it can be in PDF format) in Spanish or English, to the email:
The use of the Latex word processor is suggested (according to a template on the web: (, with the aim of promoting reading, evaluation and writing. Figures should be in EPS or PNG format, preferably. The quality of the presentation will be evaluated.

7. Structure of manuscripts to be published

The works must have the following sections: Title, authorship, summary, keywords, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusions, bibliographic references, appendices (if necessary).

7.1. Title

It must summarize the main idea of the writing, in a simple way and written in a scientific communication style. It should be a concise statement about the central topic and identify the salient theoretical aspects, according to the type of article attributed by the authors. It should not be longer than 15 words.

7.2. Authorship

Name of the author(s): This item of the article must begin with the name of each of the authors of the research. The main or corresponding author will be responsible for the submission process and defense of the manuscript throughout the review process, so they must provide their Orcid code.
Institutional affiliation: The affiliation identifies the institution promoting the research. Includes dual affiliation only if two institutions contributed substantial financial support for the study.
Author's email address

7.3. Abstract

The summary of the research work must be summarized concisely in a paragraph made up of a set of phrases or short sentences that describe the most relevant aspects of each of the parts of the manuscript in a maximum of 300 words and with the following sections: Objectives of the research, Methods and materials, Results, Most relevant conclusions and Keywords. In abstracts of experimental articles, specify the quantities measured and the objects studied and clearly describe the experimental conditions. Abstracts should be self-contained and should not include footnotes or reference citations. The summary and key words are presented in Spanish and English.

7.4. Keywords

It is recommended that there be no less than three nor more than five, their usefulness is to provide conceptual information to the reader and allow indexing in the publication format of electronic abstracts. It must be written in two languages: Spanish and English (Keywords).

7.5. Introduction

It should constitute the first theoretical contact of the research. Sequentially present the objectives, the problem, the background and the argument. It is recommended to cite only the relevant works, with their respective references, focusing on the theory, the relevant methodological aspects and their conclusions, in such a way that the logical continuity with the previous and/or previous works and the current one is appreciated.

7.6. Material and methods

Description of the type and/or design, as well as the method used to carry out the research. Report what was done and how it was done, so that the reader may be interested in replicating the study. Descriptively specify the property of the method used, as well as the validity and reliability of the instruments, which allow the results obtained to be valued.

7.7. Results and discussion

Present the results following a logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations (if necessary), highlighting the most important findings first. Do not repeat all the data from the tables or illustrations in the text, highlight or summarize only the most important observations.

Highlight the most innovative and important aspects, as well as the interpretation and analysis of the implications of the results with respect to those of other relevant researchers. Avoid statements or allusions about aspects of the research that have not been successfully completed. Focus on the debate of the findings, establishing the articulation and/or distance with similar research that has been carried out and has been cited as background.

7.8. Conclusions

It constitutes the final part of the article where the research findings in relation to the stated objectives and the problem must be stated in a few words. Therefore, the conclusions must be supported by the data or proposals on which the research acted.

7.9. Acknowledgements

If there is, you should first thank the Institutions that sponsored the research and then the people who collaborated with the research.

7.10. Bibliographic references

The uniformity of bibliographic references will be based on the standards of the American Physical Society (APS: They will be prepared taking into account the order in which they appear in the content of the manuscript, with the citation: [1], [2], [3], etc. The reference will have the APS format in Latex:

\bibitem{1} N. Last name. Article title. Rev. Inv. Fis., \textbf{21}(1), 18-26 (2018).

\bibitem{2} H. Benny and J. Pérez. \emph{Book Title}. Editorial San Marcos, Lima (2018).

In plain text:

[1] N. Last name. Article title. Rev. Inv. Fis., 21(1), 18-26 (2018).

[2] H. Benny and J. Pérez. \emph{Book Title}. Editorial San Marcos, Lima (2018).

7.11. Appendix (Annexes)

It is included only if it helps readers understand, evaluate, or replicate the study. This may be an unpublished test and its validation, a detailed description of a complete piece of equipment or a proposed program, etc.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.


Un artículo original es un informe escrito que comunica los resultados de una investigación original
o de una síntesis de resultados existentes y que es publicado en una revista científica.

Artículo de revisión

Revisión o artículo sumario del estado del arte,  describe una revisión de la literatura, resumen de investigación, o artículo del estado del arte de un tópico.

Comunicación corta

Comunicación breve de los resultados de una investigación, por lo general tiene una extensión de hasta 4 páginas.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.