About the Journal

Focus and scope

The INDUSTRIAL DATA journal, from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, publishes unpublished and original research works in the field of Industrial Engineering, carried out by national or foreign researchers, which constitute a contribution to science, technology and innovation. INDUSTRIAL DATA is edited by the Faculty Research Institute and appears in the form of an annual volume made up of two issues, each one of advance publication. Articles can be presented in Spanish or English.

Objective: Disseminate the results of research carried out by teachers, researchers and other professionals related to Industrial Engineering and related branches.

Thematic coverage: the magazine receives articles related to production and management, design and technology and systems and informatics whose contents are detailed in the section policies.  Papers related to bibliographic reviews or similar are not within the thematic coverage of IData.

Target audience: the magazine is aimed at teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and professionals in industrial engineering and related fields.

The editorial team of Industrial Data is not responsible or necessarily in solidarity with the content issued in the published articles, whose responsibility will be entirely with the author or authors.

Section Policies



They are primary, unpublished and original articles, the product of research related to the optimization of production, improvement of productivity, production systems of goods and services, as well as the application of management tools in aspects of: investment, finance, marketing, business administration, strategy and management, supply chain, quality, human talent management, occupational health, ergonomics, safety, environmental entrepreneurship, social responsibility, among others, in order to achieve competitive advantages for the organization. They will have a maximum of 15 pages.


They are primary, unpublished and original articles, the product of research on the design and manufacture of computer-aided parts, structural elements, tools, equipment and facilities. Likewise, studies that help the prevention and resolution of the main environmental problems, such as the improvement of environmental quality, and also studies of tests, techniques of analysis of metallic, non-metallic, composite and polymeric materials. And they will have a maximum of 15 pages.


They are primary, unpublished and original articles, the product of research on the application of software, hardware and communications tools, for the analysis, design, modeling, simulation and implementation of business solutions in an industrial or service organization, designing computational algorithms for the application development, new data analysis tools to optimize processes and analyze processes and analyze patterns of behavior in the productive, consumer or service sector. Using statistical analysis, neural networks, genetic algorithms, Bayesian networks and data mining. They will have a maximum of 15 pages.

Peer review process

The articles published by INDUSTRIAL DATA undergo an evaluation process:

Reception of works: The works sent to INDUSTRIAL DATA are evaluated in the first instance by the Editorial Team who will review the fulfillment of the guidelines of presentation of the works. Papers that do not meet some of the requirements of the Guidelines for authors will not be accepted.

Peer review: The accepted papers will be evaluated by anonymous reviewers. The reviewers are selected for their expertise and knowledge on the topic to which the work to be evaluated refers. The reviewers are researchers or academics external to the institution. The reviewer is requested to evaluate the work according to the international quality standards and criteria for publication. The reviewers will have the following characteristics: knowledge of the subject, no competition problems, recognition as a researcher and academic, responsibility and discretion in the evaluation. Selected reviewers receive no remuneration. The authors of the articles can suggest reviewers when they send the cover letter, the Editorial Team reserves the selection of the reviewers. The type of review is double blind, the approximate rejection rate is 24%, click here to see the evaluation format and criteria.

Click here to see how to send your corrected article

Evaluation: The referees or reviewers issue suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the article. The evaluation of the referees qualifies the work as:

• Article for publication without changes
• Article for publication with minor changes
• Article for publication with major changes
• Rejected Article
• Article I work with suggestion for another magazine.

Acceptance and press work. The work has the status of ACCEPTED when it has passed the review process and the author has made all the indicated corrections and modifications. The accepted work is sent to style correction and layout. The diagrammed version will be sent to the author for review and returned with a letter of conformity and permission for publication. When the Director of the magazine has all the documentation that will allow him to publish the work, then the work will be considered ARTICLE IN PRESS. INDUSTRIAL DATA only provides proof of ARTICLE IN PRESS. The estimated time between sending and publishing the article is four months, depending on the writer's response speed. Each published article will have its respective DOI.

Controversy cases. Any case of controversy will be dealt with by the editorial committee.

Click here to download a summary block diagram of the review and publication process

Click here to download an extensive flowchart of the entire review and publication process

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that giving the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. Furthermore, the articles are published under Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) license.

Ethics in publishing

INDUSTRIAL DATA understands the importance and responsibility of publishing scientific research articles. In INDUSTRIAL DATA the received works go through a process in which authors, editors and reviewers are involved.

INDUSTRIAL DATA ensures that the information in the articles is accurate and reliable, as well as the rights of those involved, good behavior and good procedures are preserved. For this, INDUSTRIAL DATA is guided by the standards and codes of ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [http://publicationethics.org/] and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) [http: // www .icmje.org /], as well as the declaration of the Principles of transparency and good practices in the academic publication http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles- transparency-and- best-practice- scholarly-publishing . As well as the Peruvian regulations referring to scientific research, such as legal regulations on copyright, open access and others related to the topics of our magazine.

INDUSTRIAL DATA considers plagiarism as a fraud in the publication, and is defined as the appropriation of the ideas, processes, results or words of another person without giving the corresponding credit. Fraud and misconduct are also understood as manufacturing (invention of data or results), and counterfeiting (manipulation of research materials, equipment, processes to alter data or results, as well as change or omission of data or results. ). INDUSTRIAL DATA does not tolerate plagiarism, fraud, or misconduct, and therefore establishes mechanisms to avoid and remedy it: (a) during the editorial process, INDUSTRIAL DATA avoids the publication of plagiarism, fraud, and misconduct using the opinion of peers and the Proofreading of texts using the online anti-plagiarism tool Turnitin. (b) After its publication, if INDUSTRIAL DATA detects or is alerted and confirms cases of plagiarism, fraud or misconduct, it will proceed according to the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE - http://publicationethics.org/), and may run article retraction.

Publication frequency

INDUSTRIAL DATA is published in July and December.

Guidelines for authors

Submission of work and cover letter

You must register on the Industrial Data portal, then log in and as the author start the 5-step process, fill out the metadata and deposit the file or files according to the Guidelines for authors.

The author (s) of the article must attach a cover letter stating that the work is original and unpublished, that they know the editorial policies of INDUSTRIAL DATA on: open access, evaluation of works, ethics and also, the commitment not to send it simultaneously to other publications, they must also send all the tables and figures in Excel or another editable format, and include them in the article also in editable mode. Since the edition 27(2), the maximum number of authors allowed will be 5 (five) 

Click here to download the letter template.

Industrial Data is a free journal, therefore there is no charge for sending, reviewing or publishing articles.

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Are you registered on the portal as an author? NO. Then sign up for the magazine portal. (See a help tutorial on how to enroll.) As the author from your page, you can send the work (see SEND A WORK TUTORIAL).

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The journal has a file preservation system using the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among collaborating libraries, allowing them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration purposes, it also uses the PKP Preservation Network (PN) system. ). The files are saved at the time of publication.
