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Author Guidelines

Submission of manuscript and cover letter

All authors must register at Industrial Data gateway and log in. Registered authors can start the five-step submission process, fill in the metadata fields, and upload the file(s) as per the Author Guidelines. 

Authors must submit a cover letter stating that the paper is original and unpublished, and that they are aware of the editorial policies of INDUSTRIAL DATA regarding open access, paper review, ethics, submission of manuscripts, and furthermore the policy of not simultaneously submitting the paper elsewhere for publication.   Click to download mandatory letter template

Manuscript submission guidelines:  click to download mandatory article template.  Since the edition 27(2), the maximum number of authors allowed will be 5 (five).  All manuscripts must adhere to the following structure and norms: 

Title. It should be concise and reflect the actual content of the research paper. It must be written in Spanish and English.

Author(s). The first name and last name(s) of the author(s) must be provided.

E-mail address of the author(s) (preferably institutional mailing address)

Institution. Each author must provide the full name of the institution they belong to.

ORCID mandatory for all authors.

Biography. The highest academic degree, profession (optional), and position of the author must be indicated in footnotes, city and country.

Abstract. A single paragraph of no more than 150 words (or 7 lines). It must clearly state the problem, procedures, and findings of the research. It must be written in Spanish and English.
Keywords. A maximum of 5 keywords to facilitate their inclusion in the index and database.  Keywords must be written in Spanish and English. 

Funding source (optional). The code, acronym, or name of the institution that funded the research may be provided. Examples: FONDECYT 1090259; VRIP-UNMSM 161701011. 


Introduction. This section should express why the topic was chosen and its significance. It is suggested to include: background, objective, hypothesis, justification, and limitations of the study.

Methodology. Authors should describe in a clear, direct, and concise manner how the research was conducted, so that it can be replicated.

Results. Must be properly illustrated with tables (including lists, catalogs, inventories) and figures (including graphics, diagrams, schematics, photos, maps, etc.), which should be numbered consecutively and accompanied by a legend that explains the content in such a manner that it can be understood without resorting to the text.

Discussion. The discussion must interpret the results obtained, compare them with previous research findings and highlight the contributions of the study.

Conclusion. The conclusion should provide the contributions of the research to a problem (of institutional, local, regional, national and/or international nature). This section may also be referred to as “Conclusions and Recommendations”.

Acknowledgements. People or institutions that directly contributed to the manuscript development may be acknowledged (optional).  

Bibliographic references

Authors' contribution - from edition 27(2)



Manuscripts should be written in the third person, must have at least 3500 words and can be up to 15 pages in length (on A4-sized paper, 10 pt Arial font, single column, single spaced). Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word format. 


Illustrations in Industrial Data are called Figures and Tables. The journal publishes figures (graphs, photos, maps, schemes, etc.). Only original figures (created by the author) of high quality and resolution shall be accepted. The term “table” includes charts, lists, catalogs, inventories, and schematics.

The International System of Units (SI) should be used.

The decimal point should be used. For ease of reading, numbers may be divided into groups of three figures, which will not be separated by points or commas. This division in groups does not apply to numbers of four figures representing a year. Tables and Figures must be supplied in their native formats, that is to say, in an editable format, rather than in an image file. 


Quotation in the text should follow the author-date system of APA Style. Examples: 

Indirect quotation:

  • García (2015) states that quality is a scarce commodity in the country’s industries.
  • Quality is a scarce commodity in the country’s industries (García, 2015).
  • Gómez and Orihuela (1999) recorded 110 249 accidents in Costa Rica in 2001. In registrar 2001, 950 accidents were recorded in Surinam (Paredes, Gómez and Vergaray, 1999); 32% in Mexico, and 25% in Spain (Díaz et al., 2004) 

Short direct quotation (less than 40 words)

  • However, the main problem is that “quality is not abundant, given that it is scarce in national industries” (García, 2015, p.257).
  • As Hymann (2000) states, the problem is exclusive “if the materials allow it, that is if the inner body is flexible, torque will diminish” (p. 130).

Long direct quotation (more than 40 words)

As defined in DS N° 006-2015-PCM of the regulations:

The public sector entities included in the scope of Section No. 3 of this Regulation, shall place publications, processed data and monitoring statistics in institutional repositories, granting at least the authorizations established in paragraph 2.2 of Section No. 2 of the Law. To that end, entities shall specify in their respective institutional repositories the authorizations conferred in favor to the users with reference to access, use and reuse of the publications, processed data and monitoring statistics contained in said repositories (Section No. 10.4). 


All references should be arranged alphabetically in accordance with APA style:

For journals:

  • Author’s last name, Initial(s), Author’s last name, Initial(s), and Author’s last name, Initial(s). (year). Title of the article. Journal Name, volume (issue), pp - pp. DOI code. 
  • Poma, J., Tello, R. y Ruiz, E. (2007). Design of a virtual station for the control of disturbances that affect the temperature of industrial processes. Industrial Data, 7(1), 33 - 41. 

For books:

  • Author’s last name, Initial(s). (year). Title of Book. City, Country: Editorial.
  • Ruiz, E. (1999). Language Course. C.Lima, Peru: Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial UNMSM.

For book chapters: 

  • Author’s last name, Initial(s). (year of publication). Chapter title. In: Name of the editor or compiler along with the abbreviation of their position in parentheses. Title of Book(pages). Place of publication: publishing house.
  • Castro, M. (2002). Elements of literature review. In: M. Arias (Ed.), Research methods(pp. 123-234). Mexico, DF: McGraw Hill. 

For symposia or conferences:

  • Author’s last name, Initial(s)., and Author’s last name, Initial(s). (date). Title of paper. In: Initial(s)., Last name of the President of the symposium (Presidency),Title of the symposium or conference. Symposium or conference held at Name of the organization, Place.
  • Manrique, D., and Aponte, L. (June, 2011). Evolution in the study and conceptualization of consciousness. In H. Castillo (Presidency), Psychoanalysis in Latin America. Symposium held at the XXXIII Ibero-American Congress of Psychology, Medellin, Colombia. 

Peruvian legal provisions:

  • Law No. 30220 (2014, Wednesday, July 9). University Law. El Peruano Normas Legales: 527211-527233 

Most articles and similar publications used as references should be found in indexed journal databases. DOI code should be included in the references to these articles (if applicable), whereas references to theses should include Handle format for links. A minimum of 15 references should be considered and a maximum of 25, all of them cited in the body of the article.

All quotations and references, including those not considered in the above examples, must adhere to APA style. Regarding the use of abbreviations, full terms must be used the first time they appear in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis.

Authors' contribution

First and last names (main author): contribution 1, contribution 2, etc.

First and last names (co-author): contribution 1, contribution 2, etc.


Jorge Luis Inche Mitma (main author): Research, formal analysis, writing (review and editing).

Alfonso Ramón Chung Pinzás (co-author): Research, methodology, writing (original draft).

Regarding the contributions of the authors, Industrial Data magazine adheres to CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)  

It is important to mention that the acquisition of funds and/or the writing do not constitute authorship for industrial Data if they are not accompanied by other contributions from the previous table.



1. Is it a novel article?

The application of some existing proposal adapted to another reality is not enough, but it must also have a contribution to knowledge in expansion or depth, in other words, what is the novel contribution to knowledge of the article? And can this contribution be considered relevant to the line of research to be publishable?

2. Does it contain a sufficient historical review of the literature?

All articles must be based on theoretical concepts, therefore, the writer must have considered the main ones in his article, including the background.

3. How can the result be generalized?

As mentioned above, the application of a solution to an organization is not enough, it is necessary to indicate how this result could be generalized.

4. Is there coherence between method and result?

In the article the results must be in accordance with the proposed method, in addition all the figures and tables must be explained and aimed at clearly demonstrating how each objective is achieved and how each hypothesis has been tested, avoiding long tables and figures.

Similarly, the conclusions and recommendations should be related to the fulfillment of the objectives and the contrast of the research hypotheses.



1. All authors have contributed significantly to the research
2. All authors are obliged to provide retraction or correction of errors, in case of detection
3. The list of references is provided by the authors
4. Information on financial support is provided by the authors
5. The publication of the same research in more than one journal is prohibited.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscrpt uses the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for authors , which can be found in Submissions.

Producción y Gestión

Son artículos primarios, inéditos y originales, producto de investigaciones relacionadas a la optimización de la producción, mejora de la productividad, sistemas de producción de bienes y servicios, así como la aplicación de herramientas de gestión en aspectos de: inversión, finanzas, marketing, administración de negocios, estrategia y gerencia, cadena de suministros, calidad, gestión del talento humano, salud ocupacional, ergonomía, seguridad, medio ambiente emprendimientos, responsabilidad social entre otros afines, a fin de lograr ventajas competitivas para la organización. Tendrán un máximo de 10 páginas.

Diseño y Tecnología

Son artículos primarios, inéditos y originales, producto de investigaciones sobre diseño y manufactura de piezas asistida por computadora, elementos estructurales, herramientas, equipos e instalaciones. Asimismo estudios que ayuden a la prevención y resolución de los principales problemas ambientales, como a la mejora de la calidad ambiental y también estudios de ensayos, técnicas de análisis de materiales metálicos, no metálicos, compuestos y poliméricos. Y tendrán un máximo de 10 páginas.

Sistemas e Informática

Son artículos primarios, inéditos y originales, producto de investigaciones sobre la aplicación de herramientas de software, hardware y comunicaciones, para el análisis, diseño, modelación, simulación e implementación de soluciones empresariales en una organización industrial o de servicios, diseñando algoritmos computacionales para el desarrollo de aplicaciones, nuevas herramientas de análisis de datos para optimizar los procesos y analizar los procesos y analizar los patrones de comportamiento en el sector productivo, de consumo o de servicios. Utilizando análisis estadísticos, redes neuronales, algoritmos genéticos, redes bayesianas y minería de datos. Tendrán un máximo de 10 páginas.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.