What we need for a sustainable industrialization of Peru? A proposal of the industrial model


  • José Porlles Loarte Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Orestes Cachay Boza Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Gilberto Salas Colotta Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




competitiveness, complexity, industrialization, slowdown


Several experts were predicting the end of the cycle of prosperity based on the exploitation of raw materials, especially minerals. Peru has beenaffected by this situation highlighting once again that the current primary export model does not provide a sustainable development in the long term. In this context of a slowdown in our economy, we believe that the industrialization of our resources is the most advantageous alternative to be undertaken by the country. In this respect, the present work is a contribution of ideas to promote a change of the industrial model should have the Peru, for which, in the analysis has taken into account various documents and related entities recognized these issues.


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Author Biographies

  • José Porlles Loarte, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
    Magíster en Administración. Ingeniero Químico. Profesor del Departamento de Análisis y Diseño de Procesos, UNMSM.
  • Orestes Cachay Boza, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
    Doctor en Ingeniería Industrial. Profesor del Departamento de Gestión y Producción Industrial. UNMSM.
  • Gilberto Salas Colotta, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
    Ingeniero Químico. Profesor del Departamento de Operaciones Unitarias, UNMSM.






Diseño y Tecnología

How to Cite

What we need for a sustainable industrialization of Peru? A proposal of the industrial model. (2015). Industrial Data, 18(2), 89-98. https://doi.org/10.15381/idata.v18i2.12101