Assessment of the Influence and Impact of Video Analysis on Students’ Understanding of Graphs in Kinematics: A Low-Cost and Easy-to-Implement Alternative




video analysis, understanding level of graphics in kinematics, TUG-K, point-biserial correlation, tracking


This study demonstrates the benefits of implementing video analysis (VA) in physics instruction. It aims at demonstrating that the implementation of VA, in addition to being a low-cost and easy-to-use technique, significantly improves students’ understanding level of graphs in kinematics (ULGK). The study compares the results obtained after applying the Test of Understanding Graphs in Kinematics (TUG-K) on a practical kinematics class in a traditional lecture against one conducted using VA, in order to evaluate the influence of VA on students’ ULGK. The population was comprised of 60 students, 30 per group, from the School of Engineering of the Universidad de Huánuco. The results show that a strong, highly significant point-biserial correlation (rpb = 0.809) (p < 0.0001) exists between these two variables, that VA has an average impact on the ULGK (Hake = 32.5%) and that the ULGK is significantly higher (p < 0.0001) when VA is applied compared to traditional instruction.


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Author Biographies

  • Cesar Wilfredo Rosas Echevarría, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru)

    Industrial engineer from the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru). Master in Project Management. Currently working as Professor on a contract basis at said university and the Universidad de Huánuco. (Huánuco, Peru).

  • Jorge Hilario Cárdenas, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru)

    PhD in Business Management from the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru). Currently working as professor at said university. (Huánuco, Peru).

  • Roberto Perales Flores, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru)

    Master in Education and Planning from the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru). Currently working as professor at said university. (Huánuco, Peru).

  • Alberto Franco Cerna Cueva, Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva (Tingo María, Peru)

    Environmental engineer from the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva (Tingo María, Peru). Currently working as an independent consultant. (Tingo María, Peru).

  • Justina Isabel Prado Juscamaita, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru)

    PhD in Health Science from the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (Huánuco, Peru). Currently working as professor at said university. (Huánuco, Peru).





Diseño y Tecnología

How to Cite

Assessment of the Influence and Impact of Video Analysis on Students’ Understanding of Graphs in Kinematics: A Low-Cost and Easy-to-Implement Alternative. (2020). Industrial Data, 23(1), 39-52.