Personal Software Process (PSP) Skills for the Software Industry in Latin America




Personal Software Process (PSP), soft skills, gap, software industry


This research covers the technical and soft skills required in software development, a globally in-demand activity. These skills are required to efficiently perform in a very globalized, competitive field. Previous studies show the existence of a gap between industry and academia. Training centers provide professionals with technical skills, but as of late, the need for soft skills has become apparent, making it important to study and find ways to embed them into the professionals who join the industry. The application of Personal Software Process (PSP) methodology helps students to strengthen their skills in the software development process, however, the method is not widespread in academia nor industry. This article shows the importance of soft skills, according to Latin American companies, and how PSP can reduce the skills gap.


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Author Biographies

  • Brian Cesar Pando Soto, Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva (Tingo María, Peru)

    Computer and Systems engineer from the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva (Tingo María, Peru), currently working as professor at said institution.

  • Glen Rodríguez Rafael, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    PhD in Electronic and Information Engineering from Toyohashi University of Technology. Currently working as professor at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. (Lima, Peru).





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How to Cite

Personal Software Process (PSP) Skills for the Software Industry in Latin America. (2020). Industrial Data, 23(1), 229-244.