Design and Development of an Educational Mobile Application to Optimize Communication and Interaction Between Members of Educational Institutions in Real Time




mobile application, mobile system, Cloud, Cloud Messaging Firebase


The objective of this research is to optimize the communication and interaction between members of educational institutions, using a mobile application to improve service quality of the institution. By using the database with the information collected by the institution, as an important source for the integration and collection of education sector information, each institution is considered as an entity; it could be said that all the people who interact with it are the population, which needs to be connected and communicated with each other to subsist. Based on the exposed premises, a mobile application is designed to gather all users that interact with the same institution in a single platform. Thus, users are connected and communicated with each other by determining specific roles, which will have specific functions enabled for each type of user.


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Author Biographies

  • María Elena Ruiz Rivera, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Degree in Computer Science. Currently working as professor at the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. (Lima, Peru).

  • George Torres Dávila, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Graduated from the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Business Intelligence Analyst. (Lima, Peru).

  • Edgar Ruiz Lizama, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Master in Computer Science from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently working as professor at the School of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. (Lima, Peru).


2021-07-26 — Updated on 2021-08-06



Sistemas e Informática

How to Cite

Design and Development of an Educational Mobile Application to Optimize Communication and Interaction Between Members of Educational Institutions in Real Time. (2021). Industrial Data, 24(1), 277-307.