About the Journal


Lengua y Sociedad is a linguistics journal that publishes specialized works in Linguistics and related areas, which are original and unpublished research articles and reviews. Its mission is to be an academic research journal specialized in Linguistics at a national and international level, contributing to the development of knowledge through the publication of academic articles. Its vision is to be one of the most widely consulted and navigable journals that facilitates the contents of manuscripts in the linguistic field at a national and international level.

History of the journal

The journal Lengua y Sociedad has a great trajectory in the publication of scientific articles and essays by professors of Linguistics and related areas of the UNMSM, other prestigious universities in the country as well as intellectuals from foreign universities.
The journal has been edited by linguists Gustavo Solís Fonseca, Lilia Llanto, Jairo Valqui, Norma Meneses, Marco Lovón. 

Focus and objective

Lengua y Sociedad is a journal of Peruvian, Latin American and international theoretical and applied research in Linguistics, as well as its related areas, which aims to publish the results that favor the development of linguistic research for the benefit of society and the academic community.

Subject matter and scope

Lengua y Sociedad is a journal specializing in theoretical and applied linguistics.

The journal publishes theoretical and applied research focused on the study of language, language and speakers, in areas such as phonetics, phonology, semantics, syntax, lexicon, discourse, discourse analysis, applied linguistics, literacy, reading and writing, reading comprehension, academic writing, literacy, digital literacy, multimodality, philology, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, intercultural bilingual education, language teaching, language teacher training, language promotion, language materials, scientific production in linguistics, language learning, language activism, language extinction, language and technology, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, language and brain, language therapy, speech therapy, speech therapy, language and gender, language and inclusion, ethnolinguistics, language and identity, language and economics, linguistic ecology, linguistic landscapes, linguistic ideology, language planning, language policy, translation, terminology, terminography, lexicology, lexicography, linguistic theory, linguistic paradigms, philosophy of language, linguistic methodologies, historical linguistics, linguistic typology, language and interdisciplinarity, Peruvian languages, sign languages, indigenous languages and foreign languages. 

Manuscripts submitted to Lengua y Sociedad should address current and cutting-edge topics in theoretical and applied linguistics, meet the highest standards of academic excellence, advance theoretical and applied knowledge, and contribute to or stimulate current debate and scientific, humanistic, and social progress by offering new and original interpretations of the topics stated in the focus, objective, subject matter, and scope of the journal.

Periodicity and frequency of publication 
Semiannual. The journal is published twice a year: January-June and July-December.

Acceptability rate

The acceptance rate is over 90% of articles per issue. The journal usually publishes ten articles, with a minimum of eight and a maximum of twenty.

The journal accepts contributions mainly in Spanish. We also accept articles in native languages and foreign languages (English, Portuguese, French, German). 


Shipping guidelines

Submissions are in accordance with section policies. Article writers and reviewers must register in the OJS platform with their username and password.  For articles, these must be submitted anonymously. For reviews, these are also submitted through the platform. Texts received are submitted to three blind peer reviewers in the specialty or field of study before being accepted for publication. The journal uses internal and external evaluators to the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The reviews are reviewed by a member of the Editorial Committee and a blind peer. To submit an article you must enter https://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/lenguaysociedad/about/submissions. Beforehand, authors review the Submission Preparation Checklist and the Guidelines for Authors.


Sections and section policies

The journal accepts two types of contributions: articles and reviews.

    Papers devoted, mainly, to linguistics, as well as related areas. Papers must be unpublished and not pending evaluation in other journals, including electronic editions. The texts will be reviewed by external reviewers using the double-blind system.

    1. Título del artículo (conciso e informativo)
    2. Author's name: names by which he/she will be known for his/her publication (can be one name and one surname only), institutional affiliation, ORCID, institutional e-mail address.
    3. Abstracts in three languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese (including, after each abstract, key words in the respective languages). Texts written in native languages will write the second language in Spanish and then in English. Texts written in English will present their abstracts in the following order: English, Spanish, Portuguese.
    4. Text of the paper. The manuscript should be submitted in a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 25 pages. If this number is exceeded, please inform the journal because it justifies the number of pages.
    5. Bibliographic references (corresponding to explicit citations in the text, with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 30. On the other hand, it is suggested to include database sources, such as Scopus, WoS or Scielo, as well as Latin American and Peruvian journals, as long as the information is related to the content of the text).

    General considerations:
    1. Contribute with topics related to linguistic research responding to the diversity of lines both in the theoretical and applied fields.
    2. Be unpublished.
    3. It is possible to write in modern or Amerindian languages.
    4. The text should be received in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, font size 12, single and half spaced.
    5. The articles received will be evaluated before publication.

    Review the template for articles empirical or experimental : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z1tacg1UVDnrdc3kuhbRUQBAw3amWhJi/edit

    Review the template for theoretical articles: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nvbn15sCPKxVEfUln0QuKDDX3oowb3Kk/edit

    When submitting your participation to the journal, you must submit the following 4 files through the platform: 1. send the originality statement (https://acortar.link/wUTeF7), 2. the article without names and any mention of the authors (anonymized version, delete trajectory, acknowledgements, contribution), 3. the article with names and any identification (ORCID, contribution, acknowledgements, conflict of interest, trajectory), 4. the open science statement ((https://acortar.link/ewXSZJ). The anonymized version is the one that will be sent to blinded peers. An author of a manuscript can only publish one paper per issue of the journal. Articles in which an author appears in two texts in the same issue of the journal will not be published. This can only occur in exceptional situations when there is additional space or when the article has also passed the review of blind peer juries and they advise its publication.

    Annotated reviews of books in linguistics and related areas. Reviews must be unpublished and not pending evaluation in other journals, including electronic editions. The text is received in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced. The reviews must be of recent texts, no more than two years prior to the publication of the current year. 

    Review the template for review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f8EAgzXiQeDGoR3Qi2Dg6PbI-UztS4kU/edit

    An author of a manuscript can only publish one paper per issue of the journal. Articles in which an author appears in two texts in the same issue of the journal are not published. This can only occur in exceptional situations when there is additional space or when the article has also passed the review of blind peer juries and they advise its publication.

Rules for bibliographic references

The journal requests that manuscripts be submitted in APA 7 format. The set of bibliographical references appears at the end of the contribution and should be arranged alphabetically. It should correspond only to explicit citations in the text. Within the text, such citations should appear in the text in abbreviated form: the main surname, the date of publication, the page indication, i.e. (Chomsky, 2002, p. 55). The author is responsible for ensuring that all abbreviated citations have the respective bibliographic reference at the end. In case the reference has to do with a book or article not yet published, this should be indicated with the phrase "in preparation". A "personal communication" should not be cited unless it provides essential information that cannot be obtained from a printed source.


Editorial process

All articles submitted to the journal for publication are previously evaluated, in the pre-evaluation phase, by the editor, who decides if the article can be accepted, rejected or if it requires modifications in the content. This decision will be based on objective grounds and respecting the plurality of opinions. Receipt of the manuscript does not imply its acceptance or publication. Following the criteria of peer-reviewed scientific publications, the editor will be in charge of judging the relevance of the submitted manuscripts, according to their field of knowledge. After a preliminary pre-reading, manuscripts considered unpublishable (outside the scope of the journal, with serious methodological shortcomings, coincidences with other sources, etc.) will be returned, and manuscripts that meet the defined guidelines will undergo a double-blind evaluation process. In this pre-evaluation, the editor or editorial assistance evaluates that the document does not present coincidences or plagiarism or self-plagiarism. If the manuscript is determined to be a redundant or duplicate publication, or a translation of a previously published article, the manuscript is also rejected. Both decisions are final. For this purpose, it uses the Turnitin® program and informs the author of the result. Manuscripts that do not follow the themes of Language and Society, or even if they share the theme and have been previously published in part or in whole, or are in the process of publication in another medium, will be rejected. If you do not receive a response from the editor or the journal, you may contact the journal's mailing address within 15 days.

The editor, after considering that the article is pertinent for publication, and after communicating with the author, will send the manuscript to be evaluated by a peer with expertise in the subject (proven either by their publications or by their academic degrees attained, nationally or internationally). This evaluation is anonymous and ad honorem. The number of reviewers will depend on the editorial flow. The journal appeals to the willingness of the reviewers. Blind peer reviewers have a minimum suggestive time of 15 days and extended to six months in case they require more time for the review.

The reviewer may recommend that the article be published without modifications, that it be published conditionally, adjusting the aspects indicated in the evaluation (generally recommendations to improve the manuscript), or that it not be published because it is rejected, but the author is offered the opportunity to re-evaluate it if he/she modifies it according to the guidelines suggested in the evaluation (substantive observations that question the methodology used or that require a reasoned response from the author), that it is not published because it has been rejected for the reasons indicated in the evaluation and cannot be resubmitted to the journal (when the reviewer considers that the article incurs insurmountable errors). Taking into account these recommendations, it is the editor who makes the final decision regarding the article.

After receiving the evaluations from the blind peer reviewers, the editor communicates with the author. Articles accepted for publication resolve the reviewers' observations. Subsequently, the author must send the article corrected by the platform through the "discussion" option and send a copy to the journal's e-mail, in addition to a letter that responds with support to each of the observations. The editor will decide whether the corrected article is satisfactory or whether it needs to be re-evaluated by a reviewer. Finally, the editor will decide whether the article is accepted for publication or rejected. The author has a minimum suggested time of 15 days and extended to four months if more time is required for the review. Manuscripts accepted and subsequently corrected may NOT be published in the next issue, since the journal publishes articles in order of acceptance. Authors who do not agree with any of the scopes suggested by the blind reviewers, subsequently by the editor of the Journal and the proofreader, will have the opportunity to discuss them. If the corrections are not received within the indicated time, the manuscript may be published in a subsequent issue, different from the one previously agreed upon. 

If the article has been accepted, it will be edited, layout will be prepared and the proof will be generated. The author will receive the proof of printing and, within a time indicated by the editor, to give his approval. If the author does not respond to this communication, he/she implicitly accepts the version sent by the editor. In case the author requires a proof of acceptance of publication of the manuscript, he/she can write to the journal editor to request it.

Peer review policy 

Review process

The manuscripts received will be sent to two external reviewers, using the double-blind system, selected "ad hoc". This process will not take more than four months. The originals will not be considered accepted for publication in the annual volume of the journal until the evaluation process has been positively completed. Reviewers use the following form to review manuscripts: https://acortar.link/JOfR3L.

The arbitration system

All texts submitted to Lengua y Sociedad undergo a "double-blind peer review" process (the referees do not know the identity of the authors and vice versa), which preserves the anonymity of the authors and reviewers during the review process. The policy for delivery of peer reviews takes an average of 4 to 6 months, except in the case of incidents. The reviewers receive the request for evaluation with a suggested deadline and their commitment is requested to avoid delays. The deadline for scientific evaluation of the papers at this stage includes time for scientific review, comments and final acceptance). In case of questions, authors may write to revistalenguaysociedad.flch@unmsm.edu.pe and cila.letras@unmsm.edu.pe  

Evaluation system

The article has the following peer review system:

  • Article accepted without modifications.
  • Article conditionally accepted, adjusting the aspects indicated in the evaluation.
  • Article rejected, but the author is offered the opportunity to re-evaluate it if he/she modifies it according to the guidelines suggested in the evaluation.
  • Article rejected for the reasons indicated in the evaluation and cannot be resubmitted to the journal.

Response time

Authors receive a response indicating the result of their evaluation on average after 4 to 8 months from the submission of the manuscript. Authors can follow up on their manuscript through the platform and can make queries through the journal's e-mail address. The response times may be shorter in relation to the reception of the reports from the blind peers, in a period of one month.


After the observations and scopes are raised, the authors receive their manuscript in PDF format to give conformity of the publication. The articles expressly indicate those responsible for the research contribution, acknowledgements, funding entities and no conflicts of interest. Once it is confirmed that all authors have signed the Declaration of Authorship, the manuscript will be ready for publication in the corresponding issue. Authorship credit must be based on substantial contributions to the following and must be expressed in writing at the end of the manuscript: (i) the collection or acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work or the conception or design of the work; (ii) the drafting of the work or its critical review of important intellectual content; (iii) the final approval of the version to be published. This is published before the references section in the manuscript according to the template for both experimental https://acortar.link/FYmDTX and theoretical articles https://acortar.link/u8bZBQ. The papers appear with dates of receipt and acceptance of originals.


After the observations and scopes are raised, the authors receive their manuscript in PDF format in order to give conformity to the publication. Once the article is published, it is suggested that authors ensure the dissemination of their manuscript through the media so that their work reaches a wide audience. Some recommendations are the following: upload your article to Scielo PrePrints, SSRN, ResearchGate, Academia.edu, etc.


Open access policy

Open access statement

Lengua y Sociedad provides open access to its content. It provides its contents in immediate open access and full text, under the principle that allowing free access to the results of research results in a greater exchange of knowledge globally. This journal does not and will not charge any subscription fees to its readers or to authors for submitting, processing or publishing their articles. The copyright of a scholarly work grants rights of use to others through open licensing. In this way, it allows immediate free access to the work and allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute and print. It also makes it possible to search or link to the full text of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. It is not acceptable to require users to register to read content. 

Statement of license

All contents of the e-zine are distributed under a license of use and distribution Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0).

Licencia de Creative Commons https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Authors retain unrestricted copyright and publication rights.


Editorial best practice policy

Editorial ethics

Lengua y Sociedad assumes and promotes the best practices of editorial ethics. Provides guidelines on conflict of interest, ethical commitment, similarity detection.

Conflict of interest

The Editorial Board, authors and reviewers declare to respect the ethical principles of research and to be free of any conflict of interest. Authors will provide the indication of funding related to their research work if applicable. The authors indicate the contribution of each author (full names) in the submitted work.

CRediT (Collaboration Roles)

The journal Lengua y Sociedad adheres to the taxonomy of roles of academic collaboration (CRediT) that allows to recognize and differentiate the contribution of each co-author in a scientific article. This taxonomy is used to show and represent the responsibilities that each of the co-authors played in the scientific academic production of a research paper. Its main objective is to provide the corresponding credit to all those responsible for the research and publication process. The delimitation of the participation of each individual guarantees that his or her work will be recognized during the communication of the results; these actions comply with the authorship criteria defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. By detailing the role of each author in the research, all receive the fairest recognition for their personal contribution to the research and to the final product, which is the publication of the results. This taxonomy distributes the roles of participation in 14 typologies through which an author can be recognized in the publication, as detailed in Language and Society: https://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/lenguaysociedad/credit

Commitment to ethics

Lengua y Sociedad adheres to international standards and codes of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE). It also subscribes to the ethical commitment of all the actors involved in the management and publication of articles.

On unethical conduct

Any person may report unethical conduct to the editor. The journal should pay attention to any complaint, regardless of the time of publication of the original. Allegations must be supported by evidence in order to initiate an investigation. All complaints and allegations of unethical conduct or misconduct will be taken with the utmost seriousness.

Similarity detection

The journal uses Turnitin for plagiarism detection. 

Exemption from liability

The content of the papers is the responsibility of the authors and does not express the position or opinion of the Editorial Team. Unaccepted originals will be returned to their authors. Illustrations that do not belong to the author must indicate their origin. The journal understands that it has requested and received the pertinent reproduction permissions and is not responsible for the unauthorized use of the illustrations and the legal consequences for infringement of intellectual property rights.

Guidelines on publication guidelines and previous research records

The journal is linked to open science practices. It informs authors about the publication of data to various repositories. 

Compliance with open science

At the time of submission, the corresponding author should report on the alignment of the research and the article's compliance with open science practices. For this purpose, the Open Science Conformance Form should be completed and submitted as a supplementary file to the manuscript, which will be shared with editors and reviewers. This form can be found at this link: https://acortar.link/ewXSZJ


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.



The text is written in Spanish or other native languages. In English only titles, summaries, key words and foreign words are written.




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To submit your contribution you need to log in. If you do not have a user, you must register on the site. There you should enter your first and last names, your membership or academic affiliation (university with which you identify yourself), country, e-mail, user name (short name with which you can identify yourself: it is suggested to take your first name and last name), password, password repetition, indications on data consent, notifications and contact. With your username, you will be able to send your contribution.