The Logic of Language and it’s Strategies for Granting Identities




philosophy of language, grammar, everyday language logic, language acquisition, philosophical problems, Heraclit


This work deals with the logical and philosophical problems of everyday language logic. We do this within the framework of a vision of language as a social practice that sustains itself. The identity of things is not objective as a secluded essence that gives identity despite the diverse appearance, but as a social practice that confers identity according to the judgments and reasons that speakers argue when they speak, based on their daily knowledge and way of life, which serve as a framework of immediate reference. This approach also allows to shed a different light on classical philosophical problems such as those posed by The Philosophy of Heráclito.

Author Biography

  • Heinrich Helberg Chávez, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, Iquitos, Peru

    Lingüista, filósofo y antropólogo, que ha investigado en lenguas y pueblos indígenas amazónicos, filosofía del lenguaje y filosofía intercultural y teoría lingüística.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Helberg Chávez, H. (2021). The Logic of Language and it’s Strategies for Granting Identities. Lengua Y Sociedad, 20(2), 37-55.