The actions of modification in a sample of quechua tales of southern Pastaza




Southern Pastaza Quechua, formal semantics, modification, X-bar theory


This work analyzes sentences in a sample of collected stories from the variety of Southern Pastaza Quechua under the perspective of formal semantics. This study is focused on the analysis of expressions, that are found explicitly in the text, where modification actions are appreciated. The objective of this work is to identify the elements of the actions in each sentence: agent, patient and attributive property. For that reason, the selected sentences will be formalized. Furthermore, it seeks to propose a syntactic structure of the predicate where the elements of the actions can be identified through the X-bar theory and they will be characterized in every sentence through the added suffixes that they possess.

Author Biography

  • Alejandra Antoinette Dioses Tarazona, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Estudiante de Lingüística en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, con interés en estudios de andinística, semántica y sociolingüística. 


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Dioses Tarazona, A. A. (2021). The actions of modification in a sample of quechua tales of southern Pastaza. Lengua Y Sociedad, 20(2), 113-133.