Linguistic Attitudes towards British and American English in students of the English Specialty of San Marcos University




affective cognitive, behavioral linguistic attitudes, learning strategies


The objective of this research is to address the phenomenon of linguistic attitudes in students of the specialty of English. This will make it possible to distinguish the attitudes of learners regarding American English and British English in Spanish-speaking contexts. The study of linguistic attitudes is relevant in sociolinguistics because the wealth of information on the functioning of the language is in its social relationship with the community” (Holmes, 2013, pp. 1-2). Thus, this type of work comprises three areas: cognitive, behavioral and affective attitudes (Zanna and Rempet, 1988), which are considered in this study. The mask method survey and observation will be used as a means of investigation. The linguistic attitudes of the students of the English major at UNMSM regarding American and British English are positive due to the prestige that both languages ​​have and because of the integrative and instrumental attitudinal motivations. Regarding the sociolinguistic variables in relation to attitudes, it has only been possible to find a relationship of significant influence in age. In the analysis of the technique of the masks, a higher average of acceptance was evidenced in almost all the attributes with respect to British English.

Author Biographies

  • Yony Cárdenas Cornelio, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Es doctora y magíster en Lingüística por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (1984-continua). Licenciada en Inglés-Castellano por la Universidad Nacional de Educación. Sus áreas de investigación se centran en la Sociolingüística y en temas relacionados con la enseñanza/aprendizaje del inglés y español como lengua extranjera. Ha sido entrenadora de profesores de inglés por el Consejo Británico-Perú-Ministerio de Educación. Exbecaria del Consejo Británico-Perú por su participación en Hornby Summer Course. Forma parte del grupo de investigación SOCIOLIN y miembro investigadora del CILA. Directora ejecutiva del Centro de Idiomas de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de la UNMSM.

  • jorge Esquivel Villafana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    He holds a doctorate in Education from the Federico Villarreal National University. He graduated in Linguistics (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos). Master in Education (San Martín de Porres University). He is a specialist in Hispanic linguistics with various publications on morphosyntax and syntax. He is a research member of the Institute of Applied Linguistics of San Marcos (CILA). Director of the Academic Department of Linguistics, undergraduate and graduate professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Cárdenas Cornelio, Y., & Esquivel Villafana, jorge. (2022). Linguistic Attitudes towards British and American English in students of the English Specialty of San Marcos University. Lengua Y Sociedad, 21(1), 227-242.