Between memory and history, testimony: a tracing that becomes a map. Rereading of the Genre from the Deleuzoguattarian Theoretical Proposal




eyewitness account, literary theory, historiographical studies, deleuzoguattarian proposal, critical perspective


The article examines, centrally, the possibilities of the testimonial account, memory and experience for history and historiographical studies. Faced with this general objective, the work assumes a theoretical-critical-philosophical perspective that seeks to contrast and delve into those most relevant proposals, ideas or  conceptualizations that have guided the path of the aforementioned debates to, finally, propose a rereading of the testimony and the historical account (as a trace that becomes a map) based on the deleuzoguattarian theoretical proposals that appeared in A Thousand Plateaus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia. The five sub-themes that make up the study are the following: “The belief in historical representation”; “Poetic configuration of the real past”; “Memory as the matrix of history”; “The privilege of memory against the pact of truth” and “The testimony, like the historical discourse itself: a tracing that becomes a map”. During the last section or subtopic of the article, and based on what was discussed previously, two novel hypotheses are suggested and developed that could constitute the starting point for new conceptual proposals around the testimonial genre, specifically, and regarding the forms of writing of history, its procedures and ways of understanding. These hypotheses are part of the research results of this work.


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How to Cite

Between memory and history, testimony: a tracing that becomes a map. Rereading of the Genre from the Deleuzoguattarian Theoretical Proposal. (2023). Letras (Lima), 94(139), 97-109.