El fondo minero del Archivo Histórico de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Lima (1876-1930)


  • Juvenat Luque Luque Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Perú




Economic history, School of Engincers, sources, mining.


With the present anide it is sought to sliow the documental and inforsnative importunce that conserves the Historien! File ofthe School ofEngineers from Lima. O](f diversity of documents that conserves 11'é' will concentrare 0/1 the relative documents at the mining activitv uf/he Peru ofends ofthe .I:{X centurv ami beginniugs ofthe x.1' (JITe, (O have visitad tltis repository with this expressed purpose. This file is not unpublished becuusc it liad already been used before us by {he historian Ignacio Lope: Soria to edil Historv ofthe Nutiouul Univcrsitv ofEngineeriug. rile veorsfundacioualcs. U'(~\I-¡1Ihighligln tlieir minil/gfilllds as the nienioirs UI' field /'~'p(JrIS, the miuing' publicotions that it CI)I1.~t'I'1'I.'S, national andforeign bibliographical collections. product in their bigges: part of exchauges; offices metalúrgicas. miniug seuts, the technical services ofthe schoo! (O ,he miuing societv

Author Biography

  • Juvenat Luque Luque, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Perú






Artículos Originales

How to Cite

Luque Luque, J. (2007). El fondo minero del Archivo Histórico de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Lima (1876-1930). Investigaciones Sociales, 11(19), 189-208. https://doi.org/10.15381/is.v11i19.8052