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Author Guidelines

Editorial policy

Focus and scope

Revista de Sociología publishes original and unpublished articles, the result of sociological research or interdisciplinary social scientific studies. The articles are oriented to the study of power relations in various spheres of social life: the world of work, political and domination systems, intersubjectivity, relationships with nature. Consistent, rigorous, original and unpublished essays are also published. Revista Sociologia is published biannually in Spanish.

Evaluation and publication process

Manuscripts submitted for publication to the Revista de Sociología follow an evaluation process that lasts approximately three months, and includes the following stages:

Review of journal standards

The received works are evaluated in the first instance by the Editorial Committee to guarantee that they comply with the submission guidelines. Papers that do not meet the requirements specified in the submission guidelines will not be accepted for publication. This stage lasts about a week.

Anti-plagiarism evaluation

All manuscripts received are subjected to anti-plagiarism software (TURNITIN). The tolerance of textual similarity with other documents should not be greater than 10%. Similarities considered include recycled texts (self-plagiarism). Papers that contain a similarity percentage greater than 10% will not be accepted for publication. This stage lasts about a week.

Peer Review

The works received are subjected to a peer evaluation process, in the double-blind modality. In other words, the received article will be sent to an anonymous review that will be in charge of external evaluators (peer reviewers) recognized for their knowledge and academic trajectory on the subject addressed in the article. The peer reviewers, in addition to being experts in the subject covered by the article, will certify that they have no competition problems and guarantee total discretion. The duration of this stage is variable, but it is not less than one month.

Acceptance, press work and publication

When the author makes the corrections suggested by the reviewers, the article is considered ACCEPTED and ready to go to the stage of style correction and layout. The Editorial Committee gives the author a final version (proof) of the article so that the corresponding author can carefully review the work to be published and authorize the publication in an email sent to the General Editor. Without this authorization, publication is not possible.

Conflict of interest

Those who are involved or have any kind of academic, work or personal relationship with the author(s) of the manuscript to be evaluated should abstain from the process. This could be the author, the reviewer or the editor, which could nullify the coherence of a given judgment. For this reason, external peers, if they recognize any link with the author of the text, despite being a blind peer, should declare it. In turn, the editor and the editorial board should read the reports carefully, judging and disqualifying those in which a lack of correspondence between the text and the report can be alleged. Since conflicts of interest are capable of damaging the image of the scientific rigor of the journal, any academic bias will be carefully identified in the first, second or third instance of the review of the article. The journal guarantees the suitability of the reviewers who, in addition, will be external to the university where the journal is based. To avoid any controversy, the Editorial Board will participate in these processes of publication of scientific articles, alerting of any possible conflict of interest.

Open Access Policy

Revista de Sociología provides free and immediate access to its contents under the principle of making research available to the public free of charge, which fosters a greater exchange of global knowledge.
Revista de Sociología adheres to the principles and policies of Open Access established in Budapest (2002) (BOAI 10), Berlin (2003) and Bethesda (2003) and gives readers the free, irrevocable and global right to access information , as well as to download, print, share or link the full text of any of the articles in any of the published issues, provided they are duly cited and taking into consideration the copyright, established in Legislative Decree 822, Law on the Copyright, of Peru.
Revista de Sociología uses license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Payments per publication (APC)

The Revista de Sociología does not charge fees for the reception and processing of the articles (APC) and assumes all the expenses for the preparation, publication and distribution of this in its physical and digital version.

Guidelines for paper submissions

The authors of the papers will present, signed, an ethical declaration about the originality and unpublished condition of their works.
The work will be written in Word, A4 format, typeface Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 spacing, with margins of 2.50 cm. on all four sides They will be delivered virtually to the electronic address:

Work presentation format

Papers must be written in Spanish (following the grammar and spelling rules of the RAE).
The texts must be written in the third person or in the infinitive (which includes the non-personal forms of the verb), preferring the phrases: ‘the authors consider’ or ‘is considered’ on a sentence like como we believe ’.

The work must have three parts, the identification, the body and the bibliography.

Identification work

  • Title in Spanish and English.
  • Abstract in Spanish and English, that accounts for the structure of the article, precisely and clearly (maximum 200 words).
  • Authors, name and surname.
  • ORCID code of the authors.
  • Email of each author.
  • Institution where each author works.
  • Postal address of the author for correspondence.
  • Keywords/Keywords (3-5).
  • Statements on research ethics (e.g.: informed consent)

Body of work

Articles should comply as far as possible, with the following parts:

  • Introduction, synthetically includes the approach to the problem addressed, its relationship with other approaches similar, the justification and purpose of the article;
  • Methodology, details the elements used in the study and the procedures necessary to locate or recognize them.
  • Results, highlights the most important findings, following a logical sequence;
  • Discussion, interprets the results and their implications in an analytical way;
  • Conclusions, indicates the contributions of the article, listed in order of importance.

Bibliographic references

Include bibliographic citations in a mandatory way. It is recommended to use the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).
Articles should follow the standards of APA.

Citations in the text should follow the following guidelines:

When used ideas of consulted authors, without citing it, should be entered in parentheses, the paternal last name of the author or authors and year of publication of the work: Matos Mar (1980) or (Basadre 1968; Porras 1986).

When text citations are used, they must follow the following rules:

when the quotation is less than four lines, use the quotation marks, ending the reference, in parentheses, author's last name, without comma, followed by year of publication , two points, page number or pages (Tello 1967: 126) and when the appointment is more than four lines, put it in a separate paragraph, indented on the left and in 11-point letters, at the end in parentheses, last name of the author and year of publication, colon, page number (Kauffmann 1969: 352). The square brackets will be used for the references of chronicles and old works: Cieza de León ([1553] 1984: 142).

Notes or footnotes

Should be indicated with superscript numbers in the text to indicate the reference . It is recommended to restrict it to a minimum so as not to break the coherence of the argument.

At the end of the work the list of bibliographic references of all the works that have been cited in the text will be included.

Examples of references:

For books
Surname in capital letters, name in upper and lower case, year of publication in parentheses, book title in italics, editorial, city and country
GIDDENS, Anthony (1991). Sociology. Editorial Alliance, Madrid, Spain.
For Journals
Surname in uppercase, name in upper and lower case, year in parentheses, title of the article in quotes, name of the magazine in italics , volume and number, pages, institution and city.
NÚÑEZ, Estuardo (1997). "Charles Baudelaire and Peru", in Alma Máter, No. 13-14: 63-68, UNMSM, Lima.
For book chapters
Surname in uppercase, name in upper and lower case, year in parentheses, title of the chapter in quotes, last name of the editor or compiler, title of the book in Italics, pages, editorial, city and country.
CASTILLO CASTAÑEDA, Pedro (2007). “Peasant communities in the 21st century: legal balance”, Pedro Castillo and others What do we know about peasant communities ?: 15-106, Allpa Communities and Development, Lima.

The illustrations

Figures include photos, plans, graphs, charts, etc., should be scanned at a resolution greater than 300 dpi and recorded in separate files. All figures must be cited in the text, with consecutive Arabic numbers (for example: Figure 1; (Fig. 3); Figures 1-2). The figures will be accompanied by a text that must include: the name (Figure 6), a title (optional) and a legend (which must briefly explain the figure).

Tables, are arrangements in rows and columns of numbers or texts, they must be presented as Word or Excel tables, not as images. All must be cited in the text, with consecutive Arabic numbers (for example: Table 1, Tables 4-5). The tables will be accompanied by a text that must include: the name (Table 3), a title (specific) and a legend (optional explanation).


The Journal of Sociology has the following sections:
Presentation , emphasizes a critical reflection from the academic point of view, not interested in assuming a political party position, its length will not exceed 5 pages. The responsibility for its writing will be shared between the director and the editor of the Journal of Sociology.
Studies , contributes to interdisciplinary social sociological or scientific discussions, in theoretical and methodological terms, as well as to the expansion and reflection of knowledge, it is oriented to the study of power relations in various spheres of social life: the world of work, political and domination systems, intersubjectivity, relations with nature. The central theme of this section will be decided by the Editorial Committee every six months. Similarly, the Editorial Committee is responsible for deciding which original and unpublished articles or essays will be published in this section. Original and unpublished articles and essays published should be based on completed research. These articles and essays must have a minimum and maximum length of 18 pages of 25 pages, including tables, images, maps, bibliography and annexes. It will be written in Word 2007, A4 format, Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, with margins of 2.50 cm. on all four sides They will be delivered virtually to the electronic address:
Research notes, encourages new debates or reviews existing ones in an exploratory way, focusing on the relations of power in various spheres of social life: the world of work, political and domination systems, intersubjectivity, relationships with nature.
The Editorial Committee is responsible for deciding which original and unpublished articles or essays will be published in this section. Original and unpublished articles and essays published should be based on research advances, undergraduate and postgraduate thesis or essays interested in presenting innovative research problems and hypotheses. These articles and essays must have a minimum and maximum length of 8 pages, including tables, images, maps, bibliography and annexes.
Text reviews , informs and comments on recent publications , of not more than one year of publication, in the field of Sociology and social sciences. The Editorial Committee is responsible for deciding which original and unpublished reviews will be published in this section. These reviews should have a minimum and maximum length of 2 pages of 3 pages. It will be written in Word 2007, A4 format, Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, with margins of 2.50 cm. on all four sides They will be delivered virtually at the electronic address:

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The work has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The submission letter for the work must be attached to the manuscript, stating that the authors accept the editorial and ethical policies of the journal, signed by the corresponding author (author with whom continuous communication will be maintained during the editorial process).
  • The work is written in a Microsoft Word file, without passwords or impediments for a transparent reading and review.
  • The bibliographic references are in APA style and present DOI or a persistent identifier (eg: in the case of thesis URI or Handle).
  • The text of the manuscript must have a maximum number of pages indicated according to the section, including references, with 1.5 spacing to a single column, in Times New Roman 12 font, in A4 format, with 2.5 cm margins. and enumeration from the first page. The tables or figures are included within the body of the manuscript and the original files are also presented (eg: Excel graphics, original JPGE photos).
  • The article text , the citations, the titles of figures and tables, as well as their legends and notes, have been written according to APA (v. 7) style.
  • The abstract should be a brief and concise description of the research; written in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 200 words (original articles and review).
  • The submitted work has been read and approved by all the authors, who agree on the representation of the corresponding author.


Articles focused on the critical analysis of research results    or essays on theoretical reflections resulting from sociological investigations    or social scientists, guided by a central theme will be decided    by the Editorial Committee semiannually.
Articles and essays should be 18 to 25 pages long.    (9000 to 12000 words), illustrated with pictures, images, maps,    bibliography and annexes. It will be written in Word, A4 format, Times New Roman font,    12 points, 1.5 spacing, with margins of 2.50 cm. on all four sides.

Research Notes

Exhibition of research advances, undergraduate and postgraduate thesis or essays interested in presenting innovative research problems and hypotheses. Encourage new debates or explore existing ones within the theme of the magazine.
These articles and essays should have an extension of 8 to 10 pages (4000 to 5000 words), with pictures, images, maps, bibliography and annexes. It will be written in Word 2007, A4 format, Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, with margins of 2.50 cm. on all four sides.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.