Graphic art, modernity and visual culture in the Lima illustrated magazine El Correo del Perú (1871-1878)




Peruvian graphic art, visual culture, modernity, nineteenth-century illustrated magazine, El Correo del Perú


Towards the 19th century, the process of massification of the image began through the development of new technical reproduction processes. In this framework, illustrated magazines emerged, which became the support of literate culture and marked the rise of graphic art. The present investigation aims to demonstrate how the artistic production system is transformed and the process of visual perception of the modern Lima reader is configured. Likewise, how the magazine El Correo del Perú innovates in the press with the inclusión of images and how a visual culture is elaborated that builds a discourse of modernity and progress in nineteenth-century Peru.


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How to Cite

Graphic art, modernity and visual culture in the Lima illustrated magazine El Correo del Perú (1871-1878). (2023). Tesis (Lima), 16(22), 15-39.