Crónica de músicos y diablos: A narrative structure based on the transgression of the forms of the hegemonic discourse




literary carnival, menippean satire, Afro-Peruvian literature, hegemonic discourse


This paper is a critical study about Crónica de músicos y diablos (1991), one of Gregorio Martinez’s most remarkable novels, characterized by its historical inspiration and its popular trend. First at all the purpose of this research is to identify characteristics that associate the novel with the literary carnival and with the transgressions which are typical of Menippean satire. From this perspective, we propose that in terms of novel structure, the story evidences an appropriation of the narrative forms that construct the hegemonic discourse from the historical point of view (the epic novel, the historiographic chronicle, the travel chronicle, and the journalistic chronicle). We will explain that Martínez’s novel pretends to subvert this discourse using parody and humor to expose its cracks and shortcomings and, at the same time, develops a popular point of view about the conflictive Peruvian history.


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How to Cite

Crónica de músicos y diablos: A narrative structure based on the transgression of the forms of the hegemonic discourse. (2021). Tesis (Lima), 14(18), 61-80.