Leonidas Zegarra’s María y los niños pobres and parametric narration





Leonidas Zegarra Uceda, parametric narration, filmmaking style, Latin American digital artisanal filmmaking, aesthetic distancing


By studying María y los niños pobres (2010), a petit bourgeois artisanal feature film directed by the Peruvian filmmaker Leonidas Zegarra (02/02/1949-12/29/2020), within the theoretical framework of the parametric narration developed by Noël Burch and David Bordwell, it is provable that it has an original film form as a flow of film
techniques because the organization of its parameters don’t resemble other movies, considering what is known today. Additionally, within the sociological framework
developed by Pierre Bourdieu, it is demonstrable with historical examples that the artists and intellectuals who decide to support formal innovation in filmmaking, attitude related to the practice known as “aesthetic distancing”, do it struggling against the “popular aesthetic” that the industrial production ruling the market uses as a basis to manufacture standardized forms that pretends are the legitimate models of “film as art”.


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How to Cite

Leonidas Zegarra’s María y los niños pobres and parametric narration. (2021). Tesis (Lima), 14(19), 19-39. https://doi.org/10.15381/tesis.v14i19.20176