Quechua religious songs in the Cemetery of Nueva Esperanza





quechua religious songs, Apu Yaya Jesus Christ, Nueva Esperanza Cemetery, funeral rituals


In this paper we will make an approach to the religious songs in Quechua language, such as the Apu Yaya Jesus Christ and its variant found in the Cemetery of Nueva Esperanza, in the District of Villa Maria del Triunfo, located in the southern area of Lima. What are its variants and similarities in different contexts, taking as a reference the version used in the Cathedral of Cusco, where it has its roots at the end of the XVI century. Likewise, we will seek an approach to the particularities of the funeral chant Siwarcito (Aya taki), dedicated during the funerals in this cemetery by the bereaved in honor of their deceased loved ones. We will refer to previous studies by Montoya (2010), Durston (2010), Pilco Paz (2005), Mannheim and Firestone (2017). The work will be approached from a sociolinguistic point of view and with a qualitative analysis methodology.


Durston, A. (2010). Apuntes para una historia de los himnos quechuas del Cusco. Chungara, 42(1), 147-155. http://chungara.cl/Vols/2010/Vol42-1/Apuntes_para_una_Historia.pdf

Firestone, A. (2017). “Combinamos en quechua”. Lengua e identidad de los jóvenes urbanos en el Perú. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.

Mannheim, B. (2015). The social imaginary, unspoken in verbal art. University of Michigan. En N. Bonvillain (Ed.), Handbook in linguistic anthropology (pp. 44-61). Blackwell.

Montoya, R. (2010). Porvenir de la cultura quechua en el Perú. Desde Lima, Villa El Salvador y Puquio. Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Pilco Paz, E. (2005). Maestros de capilla, mestizaje musical y catolicismo en los Andes del sur. Revista Andina, 40, 179-208.

Requena, J. (2014). La iglesia y el canto popular religioso en quechua. [Tesis de licenciatura en Teología, Universidad Católica de Trujillo “Benedicto XVI”]. http://repositorio.uct.edu.pe/bitstream/123456789/438/1/012100001F_T_2018.pdf

Sáenz, G. (2018). Variantes léxicas transferidas del quechua que usan las personas adultas hispanohablantes (entre los 25 y los 50 años) del distrito de Cajamarca por contacto lingüístico e influencia substratística. [Tesis de licenciatura en Educación, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca].




How to Cite

Quechua religious songs in the Cemetery of Nueva Esperanza. (2021). Tesis (Lima), 14(19), 215-233. https://doi.org/10.15381/tesis.v14i19.20672