Our house: The poetic act as a generator of an evocative space





poetic act, original space, evocation, migrant subject, fascination


This article revolves around the study and interpretive approach of Our house, the first book of poems published by the Piura poet Marco Martos Carrera, in 1965. Based on the theories proposed by Gastón Bachelard, Antonio Cornejo Polar and Maurice Blanchot, we will see how the corpus of this book is configured as a space for the evocation of the original space —the latter represented by the birthplace— from the gaze of the migrant subject. Likewise, we will see the way in which this conception of the poetic act is sustained from the reflections that the lyrical subject makes known about his trade, the same ones that are supported by the “fascination” that it produces in so far as it allows him an evocative experience that makes him return, through the poetic word, to the original lost space.


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How to Cite

Our house: The poetic act as a generator of an evocative space. (2021). Tesis (Lima), 14(19), 235-250. https://doi.org/10.15381/tesis.v14i19.21170