Power and resistance. A look at the Taki Onqoy movement





power, resistance, devices, biopower, biopolitics


 This article analyzes power and resistance in the genealogical period developed by the French philosopher Michel Foucault. The analysis of both concepts will help us to understand the messianic movement of resistance Taki Onqoy, this movement that emerged in the first years of the Spanish invasion is a response by the indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Andes to the evangelization and exploitation that was being applied to these populations, faced with various strategies of exploitation and evangelization, they will make use of different mechanisms of resistance. This movement had many followers and was persecuted by the extirpators of idolatry who managed to control its expansion and ended in rebellion.


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How to Cite

Power and resistance. A look at the Taki Onqoy movement. (2023). Tesis (Lima), 16(22), 161-171. https://doi.org/10.15381/tesis.v16i22.21938