Construction of the abortion normalization discourse on TikTok: analysis under the theory of visual framing




abortion, visual framing, discourse analysis, social media, TikTok


This paper seeks to identify the main frames in the construction of pro-abortion discourses in the social network TikTok. The study is carried out through discourse analysis and the paradigm of visual framing by reviewing the audiovisual pieces —videos— in four dimensions: verbal, visual, aural and ideological. Among the main results, it was found that the different frames identified promote the resignification of abortion as a liberating, heroic, everyday and even fun practice through the use of audiovisual resources with a playful structure, appealing to emotions rather than rationality.


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How to Cite

Construction of the abortion normalization discourse on TikTok: analysis under the theory of visual framing. (2022). Tesis (Lima), 15(20), 131-157.