National Theater: From the public institutions to the networking articulation (1971-2022)




cultural management, National company, the National Theater, cultural politics, culture Ministry


This paper explores the relevance of the National Theater Companies by delving into their history and their circumstances. This research was developed from book review, documents, academic articles, journalistic articles and interviews with people directly involved with some of the initiatives. The resulting data identified four major hits: the begining in 1946 with Santiago Ontañón, the step with INSAD and La Cabaña with Armando Robles Godoy and the Teatro Ambulante in 1957, the Teatro Nacional Popular with Alonso Alegría in 1971 and the Teatro Nacional in 1995 with Ruth Escudero. At the end of the revision it was concluded that, at this point in time, it is no longer pertinent nor necessary participation of the national company as it would compete directly with the local productions.


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How to Cite

National Theater: From the public institutions to the networking articulation (1971-2022). (2022). Tesis (Lima), 15(21), 441-451.