Aborted monstrosities. The compositional and formal explorations of Anselmo Carrera between 1980 and 1984





Anselmo Carrera, violence, gesture, expression, design, painting, pictorial matter


Six works produced by Anselmo Carrera between 1980 and 1982 will be formally analyzed in this article. The compositional and formal characteristics that Carrera developed in this period and used later in his photo  serigraphic series (1985-1990) will be described. To select this works, the graphic elements that Carrera included in the course of this five-year period, and that represent notable changes between one series and another, were identified: anthropomorphic characters with two faces; straight lines and geometric shapes; inclusion of photographs as a collage; monstrous and suffering characters; and the sexualization and transgression of the female body. Likewise, the international artistic references used by Carrera to develop a personal and local style will be identified. This work is part of the thesis

The Gesture of Violence. The glazes, splashes and scratches in the photo serigraphs of Anselmo Carrera (1985-1990) from the Master’s program in Peruvian and Latin American Art with Mention in Art History at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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How to Cite

Aborted monstrosities. The compositional and formal explorations of Anselmo Carrera between 1980 and 1984. (2023). Tesis (Lima), 16(23), 243-266. https://doi.org/10.15381/2wzbn586