About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Revista del Instituto de investigación de la Facultad de minas, metalurgia y ciencias geográficas is a refereed scientific publication produced by the Research Institute of the  Instituto de Investigación de la Facultad de minas, metalurgia y ciencias geográficas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru of biannual periodicity published in June and December, in digital version.

The journal of the research institute has the objective of disseminating original and unpublished articles of scientific quality, national and international, in the development of the fields of geology, mining, metallurgy, civil engineering, environment and geography, promoting a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Section Policies

Original article
It is a primary article, the final product of scientific research and, therefore, it is unpublished and contributes to knowledge and must be validated through a peer review process, prepared according to editorial standards.

✔ Open Submissions ✔ Indexed ✔ Peer Evaluated

Review Articles
It is the document resulting from the research in which the results of published research on a specific topic that must be validated by a peer process are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, and are derived from recent books and recapitulations of advances and development trends.

Articles must contain the following parts: Title, Authors, Abstract (in English and Spanish), Keywords (in English and Spanish), Institutional Affiliation, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and Bibliographic References.

All contributions must correspond to an original work, the opinion and concepts expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Editorial Committee will study each article and decide on the convenience of its publication. In some cases, you could accept the article with some modifications or you could suggest the most appropriate way for your new presentation. You can also reject or not accept the post.

✔ Open Submissions ✔ Indexed ✔ Peer Evaluated

Peer Review Process

The Revista del Instituto de Investigación de la Facultad de Minas, Metalurgia y Ciencias Geográficas receives works carried out by academics and national and foreign researchers, prepared according to editorial regulations. The articles are submitted to an evaluation process that begins with the first review by the Editors. Then the article is submitted to a review process (double blind or double-blind review) by two (2) or more designated peer reviewers (Ad honorem), members of the Advisory Committee, who grant approval or not for its publication. This process has a maximum period of 2 to 3 months.

The reviewers are chosen by the editorial committee for their specialty and affinity with the research topic, anonymity is maintained throughout the process. The reviewers' duties with the journal once the manuscript is accepted for review is to evaluate, within the established term, the confidentiality until its publication or in the event of any conflict of interest such as suitability of the topic, they can return the manuscript without issuing an opinion. The reviewer's evaluation will be on the substance and form of the article considering the importance of the topic, originality, degree to which the conclusions are supported by the data, organization and clarity, coherence of the arguments, appropriate method, presentation of the results, the design and statistical analysis, consistency and writing style. The criticisms, suggestions and/or corrections issued will be delivered to the editorial committee to continue with its editorial process with the authors making their final evaluation known. In this process, the duties and ethics policies that the reviewers must follow are indicated and, in the event of a conflict of interest, the editor must be informed. The editorial committee will consider the evaluation issued by the reviewer for its final publication.

The opinions and suggestions issued by these will be transmitted to the authors in order to be taken into account, their editorial process will continue after review by the editorial committee and, if necessary, by a third peer reviewer.

Evaluation: The reviewers issue criticisms, suggestions and/or corrections on the substance as a way of improving the article. The evaluation is classified into: 

  • Acceptable for publication without modification.
  • Acceptable for publication with minor comments.
  • Acceptable for publication with major comments.
  • Unacceptable for publication.

Presentation and Acceptance of Articles
The process of editing a work in the Research Journals begins with the submission of the manuscript in digital version to the Open Journal System (OJS) of the Research Journal Portal, an action carried out by the author. The system will record the deposit of the file, as well as the pertinent information for the identification of the authors and the work.

To start the process of evaluating the manuscript, the Editor reviews and verifies that it meets the minimum criteria to be submitted for evaluation, including the adequacy or relevance to the editorial policies of the Journal and compliance with the instructions for authors, also submits the manuscript to anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin or another accepting a maximum of 10% similarity or coincidences).

The works will be sent to the anonymous referees designated by the Editorial Committee. The opinions and suggestions issued by them will be transmitted to the authors in order to be taken into account. The articles selected for publication pass to the communication and information system of the University, without any type of economic retribution or compensation to the author or authors of the article.

Publication Frequency

The Revista del Instituto de investigación de la Facultad de minas, metalurgia y ciencias geográficas has a biannual publication frequency. It is published in the months of June and December.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content, under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which encourages greater global knowledge sharing.

Digital Preservation

he contents of the Magazine of the Research Institute of the Faculty of Mines, Metallurgy and Geographical Sciences are stored on the external hard drives of the servers of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, which update their content every six months.

The Journal of the Research Institute of the Faculty of Mines, Metallurgy and Geographical Sciences uses the OJS, which provides the PKP-PN (PKP-Preservation Network) tool that allows its contents to be preserved using LOCKSS,

which offers a decentralized preservation system distributed among participating libraries and allows for the creation of permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes, perpetual access without interruption. The PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service (such as CLOCKSS or Portico) can be preserved for long-term access.

Institutional preservation: all the articles of the Journal of the Research Institute of the Faculty of Mines, Metallurgy and Geographical Sciences are deposited in the Institutional Repository.

All the metadata of the Journal of the Research Institute of the Faculty of Mines, Metallurgy and Geographical Sciences are deposited in the ALICIA National Repository.

Adoption of codes of ethics, Requirement of originality of the author, Detection of plagiarism

The Revista del Instituto de investigación de la Facultad de minas, metalurgia y ciencias geográficas is part of the Research Journals of the UNMSM, presenting in its regulations ethics policies and good editorial practices and, in general, adhering to the principles and procedures issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [www.publicationethics.org]. 

  • Supreme Decree No. 006-2015-PCM. 2015. They approve the Regulation of Law No. 30035, Law that regulates the National Digital Repository of Science, Technology and Innovation of Open Access. The Peruvian, Legal Norms. Saturday January 24, 2015: 545318-545321.
  • PR No. 087-2016-CONCYTEC-P. 2016. Directive No. 004-2016-CONCYTEC-DEGC. Directive that regulates the National Digital Repository of Open Access Science, Technology and Innovation. The Peruvian, Legal Norms. Wednesday June 8, 2016: 588972-588986.

Plagiarism Detection

PR No. 087-2016-CONCYTEC-P. 2016. Directive No. 004-2016-CONCYTEC-DEGC.

To start the evaluation process of the manuscript, the General Editor reviews and verifies that it meets the minimum criteria to be submitted for evaluation, including the adequacy or relevance to the editorial policies of the Journal and compliance with the instructions for authors, also submitting the manuscript to an anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin or another).

  • All contributions must correspond to an original work, the opinion and concepts expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Editorial Committee will study each article and decide on the convenience of its publication. In some cases, you could accept the article with some modifications or you could suggest the most appropriate way for your new presentation.
  • Unpublished works are primary articles that expose the results of research work and constitute contributions to knowledge. It must contain the following parts: Title, authors, Abstract (in English and Spanish), keywords (in English and Spanish), introduction, material and methods, results, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliographical references.

Costs per publication

The Revista del Instituto de investigación de la Facultad de minas, metalurgia y ciencias geográficas does not generate any charge, nor does it request any payment from any author for publication in any of the stages of the process (presentation, reception, review, edition, post publication).