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Author Guidelines

The Revista del Instituto de Investigación de la Facultad de Minas, Metalurgia y Ciencias Geográficas (Rev. Inst. investig. Fac. minas metal cienc. geogr.) de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (FIGMMG-UNMSM) is the Organ for scientific dissemination of national and international articles, especially in the fields of geology, mining, metallurgy, civil engineering, environment and geography. It is published in June and December, in digital version.

Original Article. It is a primary article, the final product of a scientific investigation and, therefore, it is unpublished and they contribute to the knowledge and must be validated through a peer review process, prepared according to editorial standards.

Review Article. It is the document resulting from the investigation in which the results of published investigations on a specific topic that must be validated by a peer process, and are derived from recent books and recaps of progress and development trends.


The manuscript enters through the Open Journal System (OJS) system platform of the Research Journal portal (see GUIDE-REGISTER ON THE PORTAL OF THE MAGAZINE-UNMSM). You must attach the Cover Letter</a > as the figures or tables if that were the case. The deadline for reviewing compliance with the criteria is 15 business days. In this first stage, the editor evaluates the manuscript according to the following minimum criteria:



  • The unpublished manuscript (original) must be submitted as an attached file in MS Word, not in pdf.
  • A4 sheet size, portrait orientation; top margins (2.5cm), bottom (2.5cm), left(3cm), right(3cm); leading(1.5); maximum of 15 pages including references and illustrations.
  • Times New Roman font, size 11.
  • The Tables (not charts) each must be delivered as an attached file in Excel, not as an image. The title at the top, and with a description (legend) outside of it at the bottom (below). Single, 1.5 or double spacing. Use borders at the top and bottom of the table, below column headers, and above column totals. Don't put vertical borders to separate data, and don't use borders around each cell in a table.
  • The Figures (illustrations) each one must be delivered as an attached JPG file in high resolution (300 dpi), and with a description (legend) outside of it at the bottom (below).
  • Text to a single column, the final design will be placed in a double column, page number, headers and footer. Don't worry about matching the design of the publication, concentrate on the content of your research.
  • Write carefully, revise and read the text well before sending.
  • Use the international system of measurement and scoring.
  • It must comply with each of the bibliographical references (APA style) correctly included in the References section, also with their respective calls within the text itself.
  • Titles and Subtitles. There are 3 levels:

    1st level HEADINGS in uppercase, bold, aligned to the left, ordered with Roman numerals I. INTRODUCTION
    2nd level Subtitles in lowercase, aligned to the left, ordered with Arabic numerals 1.1 Introduction
    3rd level Subtitles in lower case, italics, left aligned, ordered with Arabic numerals 1.1.1 Introduction

    If there were 4th level Subtitles in lower case, underlined only, left aligned, ordered with Arabic numerals Introduction

*Use the ARTICLE template RESEARCH


The title in Spanish and English. From 8 to 15 words, should not include an abbreviation or acronym UNMSM, write the full word Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


The author(s) must place the full Name and Surname of her if she has two or more names and both surnames. Each name is accompanied by a superscript to later describe their Academic Department and Faculty (institutional affiliation), postal address, and email. Each of the authors must include their institutional email and the ORCID identifier code (see Guide to create a profile ORCID), placed on the first sheet as a footer. Unifying their names helps to find them in search engines, in databases.


The journal accepts a maximum of 05 authors per article in which the contribution roles in the article will be described according to the authorship contribution format.


The abstract should not contain more than 200 words. Indicate the problem, the procedures and the results of the investigation. Concise, informative and advance the Results given in the body of the text.


Minimum five (5), maximum nine (9) in alphabetical order. Translated into English (Keywords). It is used for search engines in databases.

TEXT OR MAIN BODY: The IMRyD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) structure will be used.

  • The INTRODUCTION (on the topic of study) informs the current knowledge of the topic and its contextualization, purpose and importance.
  • The determination of the METHOD (how the study was carried out) used is the explanation of how the investigation was carried out and what the results were, it considers the design of the study, the instruments used and the procedure or tasks for data collection.
  • The RESULTS (what were the findings) to specify in detail the information and analysis carried out, which can be supported by tables and illustrations. For better understanding, the text should be divided into sections headed by subheadings. There are three hierarchical levels of subtitles. the first is in uppercase and bold, the second in bold and lowercase, and the third in italics, all of them aligned to the left, ordered with Roman and Arabic numerals, respectively.
  • In the DISCUSSION (what these findings mean) the results are interpreted and explained, highlighting the most important aspects and comparing them with the results of other researchers.

Finally, the Conclusions that respond to the objective that motivated the investigation and expose the most outstanding data.

  • The CONCLUSIONS respond to the objectives of the research .

FOOTNOTE. Contains the calls for attention that the researcher makes in his work to indicate the source or literal origin of the data and clarify explain an idea.

REFERENCES. It will be done in alphabetical order, by authors' last names and only authors cited in the text are included. The APA style standard will be used. Place the URL (link to web page) from where each reference was taken for your investigation. Place a minimum of three (3) sources from our Faculty Research Institute magazine. If they are not included, they are eliminated. It is recommended to use references no less than 5 years old. 30% of the references must be from scientific articles.


The CRediT taxonomy allows differentiating and recognizing the contribution of each author and co-author in a scientific article, distributing the roles of participation in 14 typologies through which an author can have recognition of it in the publication. All authors must participate in at least two of the four phases of the article: 1) planning, 2) data collection, 3) interpretation of the results, and 4) preparation of the manuscript. All authors of a scientific article must contribute significantly to the development of the research. In case of conflict, the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is applied, more information at:

  1. Conceptualization - Ideas, formulation or evolution of the objectives and general goals of the investigation.
  2. Data curation - Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), clean data, and maintain research data (including software code, where necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and subsequent reuse .
  3. Formal analysis - Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
  4. Fundraising - Acquisition of financial support for the project leading to this publication.
  5. Research - Conducting an investigation and research process, specifically conducting the experiments, or collecting data/evidence.
  6. Methodology - Development or design of the methodology and creation of models.
  7. Project administration - Responsibility for managing and coordinating the planning and carrying out of the research activity.
  8. Resources - Supply of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analysis tools.
  9. Software - Programming, software development, software design, implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms, testing of existing code components.
  10. Supervision - Supervisory responsibility and leadership in planning and conducting research activities, including external mentoring to the core team.
  11. Validation - Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replicability/reproducibility of the results/experiments or other products of the research.
  12. Display - Preparation, creation, or presentation of published work, specifically the display/presentation of data.
  13. Writing - original draft - Preparation, creation or presentation of published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including substantive translation).
  14. Writing - proofreading and editing - Preparation, creation or presentation of published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision - pre- or post-publication stages should be included.

The roles of authorship will be identified in the order that appears below with the name and surname, including each author in the role that corresponds to him; roles that do not apply in each case should be omitted.


- Authorship contribution

  1. Conceptualization: (Name and surname of the author)
  2. Data curation: (Name and surname of the author)
  3. Formal analysis: (Name and surname of the author)
  4. Acquisition of funds: (Name and surname of the author)
  5. Research: (Name and surname of the author)
  6. Methodology: (Name and surname of the author)
  7. Project administration: (Name and surname of the author)
  8. Resources: (Name and surname of the author)
  9. Software: (Name and surname of the author)
  10. Supervision: (Name and surname of the author)
  11. Validation: (Name and surname of the author)
  12. Display: (Name and surname of the author)
  13. Writing - original draft: (Name and surname of the author)
  14. Writing - proofreading and editing: (Name and surname of the author)

Taken from: Implementation of the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). Medicentro Electronica On-line version ISSN 1029-3043


Unfolded equations

Equations displayed should be numbered consecutively, with the equation number in parentheses near the right margin of the page.


The variable or Equation 1



All references must follow the APA latest edition style cited in the text, their organization is alphabetically with French indentation, including the DOI of electronic sources. Original articles are requested to have a minimum of 30 references and review articles have more than 30 references, with 30% of references being serious research articles. Here are some styles:


    Surname, A., Surname, B. and Surname, C. (2019). Title of the specific article. Journal Title, Volume(journal number), start page number – end page number.

    Castañeda Naranjo, L. A. and Palacios Neri, J. (2015). Nanotechnology: source of new paradigms. Nano world. Interdisciplinary Journal of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, 7(12), 45-49.
    < br />Citation in the text
    (Castañeda et al., 2015)


    Surname, N. and Surname, N. (year). Title of the book. Editorial. DOI or URL

    Herrera Cáceres, C. and Rosillo Peña, M. (2019). Comfort and energy efficiency in building design. Valley University.

    In-text citation
    (Herrera et al., 1931)


    Last name, N. (date of newspaper). Headline of the article in the newspaper. Name of the newspaper in italics. URL

    Carreño, L. (February 9, 2020). The union dispute over tariffs on clothing. El Espectador.

    < /li>

    Author, A. (Year). Title of the thesis [Type of thesis to obtain a degree or title, Name of the institution that grants the degree]. Name of the database.

    Mayorga Gutiérrez, D. J. (2004). University government and its response to a crisis situation and budget constraints: The case of the Peruvian public university (Publication No. NQ97905) [PhD thesis, HEC Montreal]. ProQuest Central.

    * Postgraduate thesis only.


    Surname, A., Surname, B., and Surname, C. (May 20, 2020). Title of the web page article. Website name.

    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (October 1, 2018). New data reveals that one in three adolescents in the world is bullied at school. news/new-data-reveals-that-every-three-adolescents-in-the-world-suffers-bullying

    First citation in the text

    (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], 2018)

    Other citations
    (UNESCO, 2018)

    * Source: Sánchez, C. (February 8, 2019). APA Standards – 7th (seventh) edition. APA Standards (7th edition).

In the event that some of these criteria are not met, the manuscript will be returned until it is completed with all the observations. Continuing with the editorial process, the manuscript is submitted to a review process by peers (specialists), appointed by the editorial committee are (Ad honorem), this process has a term of 2 to 3 months.


The review process that submits the manuscripts is double blind (double blind peer review), by two or more external specialists designated by the editorial committee, this process has a term of 2 to 3 months for the peer reviewer to issue comments, suggestions or corrections on the form as background of the manuscript, its evaluation issued is: a) Acceptable for publication without modifications, b) Acceptable for publication with minor observations, c) Acceptable for publication with major observations, d) Unacceptable for publication. These manuscripts are worked on with the authors until all the observations are lifted to continue with their editorial process.

The reviewers are chosen by the editorial committee for their specialty and affinity with the research topic, anonymity is maintained throughout the process. The reviewers' duties with the journal once the manuscript is accepted for review is to evaluate, within the established term, the confidentiality until its publication or in the event of any conflict of interest such as suitability of the topic, they can return the manuscript without issuing an opinion. The reviewer's evaluation will be on the substance and form of the article considering the importance of the topic, originality, degree to which the conclusions are supported by the data, organization and clarity, coherence of the arguments, appropriate method, presentation of the results, the design and statistical analysis, consistency and writing style. The criticisms, suggestions and/or corrections issued will be delivered to the editorial committee to continue with its editorial process with the authors making their final evaluation known. The editorial committee will consider the evaluation issued by the reviewer for its final publication.

The manuscript is submitted to the anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin) accepting at least a 10% similarity or coincidence in the case it is exceeded, it is returned to the author to reduce the percentage. All authors must have the necessary availability to complete the editorial process respecting the deadlines established until publication.


The editorial process continues with the layout and style correction, after publication it is sent for validation by the author, but the final approval is granted by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Postgraduate Studies (VRIP) to proceed with the publication of the manuscript.</ p>

*To know the status of your article, you can consult the following email: or by the OJS platform. All your process will be carried out by the OJS system, we look forward to your understanding.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The author, prior to submitting his manuscript, has read and knows the editorial regulations of the journal.
  • The submitted manuscript must be original and unpublished, and has not been previously published in another journal.
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word format. Figures in high quality. Tables in Excel format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.